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"No please I'm ok" I said, Alice's mother was serving me snacks. They got to know that I'm a Melis and since then I'm getting a prince treatment.

"Please sit Mr. & Mrs. Wordsworth. I want to talk about something." I said and they sat, Alice was also sitting but a little far away.

I started, "See, the thing you saw was nothing, we were just hiding from those men."

"But why you both pretended to kiss?"
Mr. Wordsworth said, it was embarassing to talk about it to some elder people.

"That was the only thing that came to my mind, I mean they were just infront of us and we got no time to run away." I slapped myself mentally.

/What am I even saying?/

"I don't know why she don't want to go there." Said Mrs. Wordsworth

My eyes widened, how can she say that for her own daughter? She wants her daughter to be a stripper?

I glanced at Alice who was fighting back her tears.

Mr. Wordsworth nodded, "Yeah, her going there would be beneficial for us. They will give us a big amount of money and presents. She can help the nation too."

I clenched my jaw and fisted my hands in anger, "How will she help the nation by going there Mr. Wordsworth?" I asked calmly, but they sensed my anger and I could see the fear in their eyes. I didn't liked the racism on the basis of caste but at this point I'm enjoying it, they know I can accuse them of anything and no one will question me and they will be behind the bars.

My Father is the richest business, he have connections with Monarch.

"Answer me Mr. Wordsworth."

"Cause sh-she will please the soldiers who protect our nation." He replied.


I gazed at Alice, who was trembling.

"Listen, She is not going anywhere. If they come again, refuse them or do anything but She.will.stay.here." I said, getting up. Alice was looking at me, I nodded at her.

I left the house since it was 8:58. I should be in the school but...

Someone tapped my shoulder, it was Fredrick, the man who rescued me from the forest when I came in this era, upon seeing it's me he instantly hugged me.

This hug felt different, not a brotherly one but......

"Where were you? Mr. Silver would've killed me if I didn't found you." He sighed in relief. I smiled and we both headed to the school after I glanced at the cottage.

"You look handsome.'' I complemented him, he blushed.

"You blushing? Ooo" I teased and he blushed more while looking away.

He's cute.

After we reached the school, I laid on my bed but my mind kept roaming to the previous's moments of Alice's house. I hope she is ok now and they didn't did anything bad to her.

After living here , I realised one thing it's not Melis who are on the top. It goes like

1. Melis's Men
2. Melis's Women
3. Relish's Men
4. Relish's Women

Written on- 24 March, 2024

Published on- 20 April, 2024

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