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After Carousel, it was time for Ferris wheel which is so popular.

We waited for around twenty minutes, she was so scared, she told me that she never even heard of it. I laughed before patting her back and assuring her it's gonna be fun.

Finally we were on the top, it was going to be evening, she stared out the open box in which we are in awe, these are not close.

The view is so damn beautiful, we are able to see the green mountains and even the snow ones. People roaming around buying goods and all.

But she still looked scared, I held her hand and she flinched, I noticed her arm which had a burnt mark, why didn't I noticed this earlier?

"What is this?" I asked, she immediately retracted her hand back.

"I was working in kitchen and it got burnt by mistake." She looked hesitant

Because it was a lie.

After we were down, I kept her close to me. Some creepy stares followed her.

"Now give me the handkerchief." I said after we were out of the market.
She untied it and gave it to me, I started to tie it around my wrist. She gave me a confused look before asking, "Why are you tieing it?"

"Ofcourse to enter in Relish Market." I said in obvious tone.

She frowned, "But you don't need it. You can enter, you are a Melis."

Wow! That's so unfair.

I untied it, didn't said anything, not wanting to embarrass myself more. We headed to the market.

At the entry gate, there was no one to check. I entered but she just stood there, "Come in. Why are you standing there?" I asked

"Women don't go to market."

I gasped,


I gazed around and there were only men, not a single female.

"Why?" I asked

She shrugged, "I don't know, some years ago they used to go but eventually they stopped, maybe cause men don't allow them."

"So they are restricted?"

"No, their husbands don't allow them to go out without their permission."
She said

I didn't said anything, I mean what am I suppose to say?

So I decided to not to go, since she is not coming with me.

We were heading back to the camp, when she looked at me to say something, her eyes widened. She pulled me to an alley.

"Some people are coming with a knife." She said, panting as we were running by now.

"What? Why?" I asked shocked, why do they want to kill us?

"Uh... Maybe they got to know that I went to Melis market."
She said in horror

"This is a stupid reason." I said

She shook her head, "Last time a Relish entered Melis market, he was found dead."

"No way" I whispered, I turned back and saw another alley, there were some public toilets , there was no one so I entered in one cubical and locked it from inside.

"Stay calm, don't make any noise." I whispered to her who was panting heavily, while I rubbed her back.

Soon we heard some footsteps.

I immediately closed the WC and sat on it with her on my lap and made sure her legs were not dangling down.
There was some space between the door and floor, someone peeped a little from the space and said.

"There is only a man." Some dude said and they all went out.

I sighed, staring at Alice whom I was holding in bridal style, she was spooned in my arms. She rested her head on my chest, while closing her eyes.

We were so close, I was able to hear her breathing and bet she is able to hear my fastened heartbeat too.

Written on- 18 March, 2024

Published on- 10 April, 2024

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