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She took a step back. Only then I realised that I did a disrespectful thing that too harshly.


"See... I'm sorry, I didn't meant to do this, it was a involuntary action. I-"
I cutted my sentence in between seeing her stepping back.

/You scared her again/

"I genuinely wanted to thank you for saving me that day and yeah I'm so sorry too about the things that happened in the hall. Please forgive me I really didn't knew anything about that. If I knew I would've stopped them. It's my fault." I said genuinely feeling guilty.

"It's ok." She said these two words before turning to go back. But I held her wrist, she stared at her wrist with widen eyes and retracted her hand back with a jerk.

"You should not touch me." She uttered, " Why?" I asked,

"Cause I'm a relish." She whispered, maybe to herself but I heard it.

/No way you're telling me that they practiced untouchability too!/

This ofcourse made me angry, first the gender inequality and now untouchability, I was wrong to think my nation was a bit too advanced.

I held her hand again , but not in a firm grip, she is so fragile. She again tried to jerk my hand away, but I didn't let her.

"See.. those people got no brain. We are all humans And I don't believe in this touchability or untouchability.
Soo, Friends?" I asked, retracting my hand back but extending it again for a handshake.

She stared at it, but I pushed my hand further in the air , she extended her hand too shaking with mine and gave me a small smile , atleast I got a friend here.

Written on- 26 Feb, 2024

Published on- 31 March, 2024

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