3. Part Of The Crew, Part Of The Ship

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I added a new song to the playlist, just fyi!
Might be uploading through the weekend cause I simply cannot wait to get this lore off the ground
Enjoy, lovelies!!


How on the sword of King Daedron himself did I now find myself here?

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How on the sword of King Daedron himself did I now find myself here?

I stared up at the wood panels that formed the ceiling of this bed chamber. The pattern they made spanned across the entirety of the room.

The bed was comfortable.

It was far better than the cots on the merchant ship.
As was the food.

And the air, surprisingly. When I boarded this ship, I felt it almost instantly. The air felt somehow clearer on this vessel. My stomach didn't turn with almost damaging discomfort once my feet hit the floorboards, and I wasn't sure what to make of it.

All of it.

I wasn't sure what to make of its Captain either. He was...

Most definitely mentally deranged.
That wasn't debatable.

My mind traveled back to that sinister smile of his first, then everything else seemed to materialize around it. He wore a black eyepatch covering his left eye, which hid the majority of a scar you could see peeking through the top and bottom of the fabric.

That patch matched his all black collared coat that draped so low it slightly dragged against the floorboards as he walked. He wore a flute around his neck which at first puzzled me, but I quickly learned that was the least of my worry. His face was a thing of nightmares, but not in a monstrous way, he actually faired quite handsomely. His features were just very... very rigid. It made the hair on my arms stand to attention whenever that one eye found mine.

Then there was his stature. It was the thing that drew my attention first when he knelt down in front of me on that merchant ship. I knew then that he could certainly do it.

He could kill me.

Little did I know the man was absolutely insane. Had I known that, I would've begged for my life in hopes he'd end it. I thought about Lemont. How he had begged for his.

I should've given more effort in keeping him alive, I thought, but considering my own efforts with trying to die, I thought it best we said our fair wells on that merchant ship. It had been a good long eleven years of running, something I'd forever be grateful to Lemont for accompanying me on. Not that he had much of a decision in the matter.

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