6. The Stars And The Sea

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The comments on this work have been absolutely amazing, like I can't put into words how grateful I am for you guys!
Please keep the feedback and theories coming, it's got me on cloud fucking nine.
Thank you!!
Aaand, enjoy lovelies :)


"That fog was quite strange

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"That fog was quite strange."

I turned my head to Snips, giving him a nod in acknowledgment as he cleared the last few steps and joined me on the top deck tonight. The air was getting warmer, its colors painting the sky beautifully for the sun to rise into. I hadn't found sleep tonight. I hadn't even bothered to look for her.

Instead I had stayed up, watching as my men piled body after body on top of each other, creating piles of the deceased that would be easier for disposing come morning. I released them shortly ago, allowing the crew to return to their previously interrupted sleep. The bodies would be here for them come sunrise, there was no rush now.

"Aye." I told one of my most loyal. "I believe someone may have been tracking the whereabouts of this ship. Cael is working on uncovering more."

Snips nodded, stretching his arms out to the wooden rail in front of us as he did. "Did you place a concealment spell on the ship?" He asked. I nodded in return.

"The crew need rest now. Come sunrise, we'll start with the bodies, then move to the bloody floorboards."

Snips nodded again, but he had this far off look in his eyes as he peered ahead. Like he was only partially present for this conversation.

"The men," I heard him start, "they're... they're a bit uneasy tonight. Many haven't found rest yet."

I turned my head to Snips again, but he was still looking on ahead as he spoke. He rarely ever failed to meet my gaze. "I've spent the better half of this night assuring them that whatever that slave is, proves no threat... but Captain-"

"I know." I nodded to him. My men were starting to fear something they hadn't in a long time, other than in regards to me. It was fear itself. Something my men wouldn't fair well with.

"You're the only one. The only one we've ever seen use magic like that."

"I know." I nodded once more, justifying the things Snips was too hesitant to fully say to me.

"But I've..." Snips trailed off, not finishing that thought as he sat with his words a moment. "Well, I've spent the day with the man, and I don't think he bears any threat to anyone besides himself. Even tonight..."

Snips was still looking on ahead. I allowed his mind to process whatever was next, because Snips was almost never this specific with his words.

"I agree," I told him, watching as he finally turned to me. "Cael and I are working to uncover who he is, I give you my word. If he really can use magic, that just makes whatever potential bounty that's out there for him, all the more plentiful."

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