4. Run A Shot Across The Bow

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I updated the playlist just fyi!
Can't sleep, so why not hit y'all with another upload lol
I'll edit later today
Enjoy, lovelies!

Run A Shot Across The Bow: To send off a warning shot


Alistair didn't grant me any time to change

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Alistair didn't grant me any time to change. Instead, he made quick strides out of his quarters, forcing me onto the top deck behind him, where Cael was already overlooking the main deck down below.

The ship was clear, but the air around us was thick with fog now. So thick in fact, I couldn't see anything past the very front of the vessel.

Something had made the hair on my arms stand to attention again, and it wasn't Alistair's presence this time, though his demeanor tonight was more terrifying than it was during dinner mere hours ago. Something had happened since then... or was about to. I could feel it.

The men below were scurrying, but there was order to their movements. It was the farthest from directionless, every man knew exactly what was expected of them right now. Snips was pouring something over the knots on the ropes, which reminded me of what he said earlier in the day— about how the binding wax came right before a battle.

"Who was hit?" Alistair asked Cael.


Alistair inhaled sharply, sending my uneasiness further off course.

"Don't worry, he'll live."

"Can he work?"

Cael turned his head, giving Alistair a look. "At least give the man a few days. Right now, your rum supply is the least of our concern. Whoever it is, is trying to board us."

Alistair's brows raised slightly at that. "Interesting. They must not know which ship they're trying to board."

"Something tells me they do." Cael returned with. If Alistair had heard that, he chose to ignore it. Instead, he took a step forward to the wooden rail of the top deck, overlooking his busy crew.

"Men!" His voice bellowed out to the men, halting all preparation efforts down below quite suddenly. "How long has it been since this vessel has been boarded?" A long silence fell amongst the crew. I found myself taking a few steps more to the right to get a better view of the Captain. I didn't understand how his voice could carry like this, it practically rattled the ship.

When I could finally see his face, a smile was starting to form on those lips of his.

"Exactly." Some of the men had started to share that same sinister smile now, I could see them clearly from up here. "That merchant ship was a bit too simple, was it not?"

"Aye!" Snips was the first to agree, before the rest of the men followed suit. That smile was now a grin, shared amongst all the men like a sickness spreading through a camp.

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