Part 1

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You are Y/n Beckham, daughter of David Beckham, you're 22, and play since you're 4. You've been formed at Chelsea, but you also played for Bayern Munich and you're currently playing for Barcelona. You're actually injured at the moment, so you're in England with your dad and little brother Cruz at the Man United women's match against Arsenal.

Y/n: Cruz! Hurry up! We're gonna be late.

Cruz: Calm down, I'm here.

David: Okay, everyone's ready? Are you gonna be okay with your ankle?

Y/n: Dad, I'm injured, so I'll just use my crutches.

David: You sure?

Cruz: So are we going or not? You're wasting time, right now.

Your brother hands you your crutches and your dad helps you to get in the car. He drives till the Leigh Sports Village, Man United's stadium. You pass the security and reach to your places. Cruz is excited, actually have a massive crush on Ella Toone, can't way to see her play on the pitch.

Marc: David Beckham, nice to see you here, old house for you.

David: Marc! Old house to meet old friends. Glad to see you. Let me introduce you, my children, Y/n and Cruz.

Marc: Hey guys, I've heard a lot about your performances at Barcelona, Y/n, very impressive season.

Y/n: Thank you, sir. I'm sorry, but I have to call someone.

You take some distance from them to call your girlfriend. Marc and David keep having their conversation.

Y/n: Hey babe

Bruna: Hola baby, how are you?

Y/n: Great, I just miss you and the girls.

Bruna: I miss you too, when do you think you're coming back?

Y/n: No idea

Bruna: When should you be back on the pitch again?

Y/n: Two weeks left, I'll probably be back at the end of the week.

Bruna: Can't wait then.

Y/n: I have to go, I'm at the women's Man United match with my dad and little brother.

Bruna: I have training anyway, I love you.

Y/n: I love you too.

You hardly return with your crutches next to Cruz. Marc and David are still talking.

Marc: I think it's time for me to join my team and give my pre-match speech, but if you're okay with it, I would really love to talk with you, Y/n, after the match.

Y/n: Yeah, for sure, I would love to.

Marc: See you later, guys. Thanks David.

David: My pleasure.

Marc goes back with the Man United team and you enjoy the match with your brother and your dad. Win 1-0 for Man United, scored by Leah Galton. At the end of the game, Marc invites you, your dad and your brother to go down on the pitch for a talk.

Y/n: Big win, congrats.

Marc: Thank you.

Y/n: You wanted to talk to me?

Marc: Yes, actually we are pretty interesting by your profile, Y/n. I was wondering if you would consider the fact to move away from Barcelona.

Y/n: I don't know...

Marc: Listen, it's nothing serious, just a talk. Don't freak out.

Y/n: It's been 3 years, now, that I evolve in Barcelona. I have to think about it, Marc, if it became a real offer.

Marc: Let me know then.

Y/n: I will, thank Marc.

Marc: It was nice meeting you. Bye Y/n, bye David.

David: Bye Marc.

You can see few players like Ella Toone, Alessia Russo, Millie Turner... that you already met through young international selections. Then, suddenly, someone hugs you from behind.

Maya: Hey stranger

Y/n: Maya?

You turn around and see Maya Le Tissier, you know her for years. You started football with her. She's one of your best friends.

Maya: What are you doing here?

Y/n: Injured, so Barcelona gave me days off.

Maya: Yeah, I saw the match, pretty rough tackle. I missed you.

Y/n: I missed you too.

Maya: You should have told me you were coming to see the match. When are you going back in Spain?

Y/n: I have to be back at the end of the week.

Maya: I wish we could have more time together, but I have to go and change. Love you, girl.

Y/n: Love you too.

Maya goes back in the changing room and you join Cruz and your dad to go back home. Let's skip to the end of the week.

Victoria: Are you sure you have everything?

Y/n: Mom, I have everything, okay? Stop worrying.

Victoria: Okay, I have a trip planned, if I don't go now, I'll miss it. Stay safe, honey. I love you.

Y/n: I love you too mom.

Your mom leaves the house and then a few minutes later David drives you to the airport.

David: Honey, did you think about the offer that Marc made to you?

Y/n: Yeah, I'll see with Jonathan if they have an offer from Man United. If they do, I'll think it through.

You take your plane and after a little while you land in Spain. You decide to surprise Bruna at training, and to take her back home. Everyone is at training so you don't see anyone on your way to the practice pitch. You get there, and see a girl next to the pitch cheering Bruna. You don't get too near, so you don't disturb the group. Bruna and that girl can't see you from where you are. You can't help it but wondering who this girl is.

Jana: Y/n!

Y/n: Hey Jana, what's up?

Jana: I thought you were in England.

Y/n: I was, but I came back for medical check and I've got only one week left until my comeback on the pitch, if everything's okay.

Jana: I'm so happy for you. I can't wait. It's a bit boring without you on the pitch.

Y/n: I miss playing with you too. Jana, can I ask you something?

Jana: Go for it.

Y/n: Who's that girl, right there?

Jana: Camila? She's the new photographer for the Femeni Barcelona. Why?

Y/n: Is there something between her and Bruna?

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now