Part 11

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Gio: Hey, Spanish girl. How's Jana?

Y/n: She's okay.

Steph: You cleared things up?

Y/n: Yeah, I talked to Bruna. We are done.

Steph: So now, you have no excuse to date Leah.

Gio: Y/n, that's so obvious.

You don't say anything but you know the girls are right, you have no excuses anymore.

In a way you search for Leah all day, but she's avoiding you, still mad at you for your little trip in Spain. You can see her at training, it's your chance to talk to her. She's with Beth and Viv, talking and laughing. You go near them but Leah goes away. You don't know what to do.

Beth: Don't blame her, she's been crying the whole time you went back in Spain. She was dead worried.

Y/n: Worried about what?

Viv: Y/n, she obviously likes you, and you tell her that you're going back in another country to be with your ex.

Y/n: That's not what happen. I'm done with Bruna, that's why I went in Spain. I'm done with Bruna, so I can be with Leah. I just wanted to make things right.

Beth: Don't you think you should tell this to her instead of us.

Y/n: I wish I could but she doesn't want to talk to me.

Beth: Find a way then, 'cause she's really worth it.

Y/n: I know, she is.

This makes you think. Skip to the end of the day, you haven't talk to Leah or even see her after what happened at training. You decide to go to her house to have a talk. You park your car in front of the house and go knock at the door. She opens it.

Y/n: Hey

Leah: Hi, what are you doing here?

Y/n: Don't you think we should talk?

Leah lets you in and you go sit on the couch.

Leah: Do you want to drink something?

Y/n: No, thanks.

Leah: So what do you want to talk about?

Y/n: You, I mean us. I got it, Leah, you're mad at me.

Leah: You know how I feel about you, and I feel like you played with it.

Y/n: I just wanted to make things right.

Leah: You went back to your ex the minute I told I like you.

Y/n: I went back to her, so we could finally be done, so I can be with you.

Leah: What did you just say?

Y/n: I like you, Leah Williamson. I really like you. I went back in Spain that everyone can know that the only person that I want to be with is you.

You stand there next to her, waiting for her to say something but she's just staring at you. She goes straight to kiss you, you kiss her back. You stay a little while then head home. You feel really good. The next day, you get up with a huge smile on your face. Go to the kitchen where David is drinking his coffee while Brooklyn and Cruz are taken their breakfast.

David: Hey sweetheart

Brooklyn: Why are you smiling like that?

Y/n: Nothing, just happy.

Brooklyn: Something in particular?

Y/n: Maybe

David and Brooklyn guess that this is probably about Leah. You eat your breakfast and go prepare yourself for training. Brooklyn catches you up.

Brooklyn: Hey, can I ask you a question?

Y/n: Go for it, Brooks.

Brooklyn: Does your smile has something to do with Leah?

Y/n: Yes, it is.

Brooklyn: You're dating her?

Y/n: Not really, we like each other and we kissed last night but we're not officially dating.

Brooklyn: Anyway, I didn't see you smile like that since a while. If she makes you happy, go for it. I'll be there for you.

Y/n: I know, I love you, B.

Brooklyn: Love you too, little sis.

You hug him tightly and you go upstairs to get ready for training. A little while later, Brooklyn drops you up to the Arsenal Training Center. You cross the way of Beth and Steph in the hallway on your way to changing room. You still have your smile.

Y/n: Hey girls

Beth: What are you smiling for?

Steph: Or maybe, who are you smiling to?

Y/n: Shut up, I'm just happy, that's it.

Steph: Okay, if you say so.

Beth: Is it because of Leah?

Y/n: Maybe...

Steph: That's definitely a yes from Y/n Beckham.

Y/n: Okay, it is because of Leah.

Beth: Did you talk to her? Like I advised you.

Y/n: I did, I went to her house last night.

Steph: So? What happened next?

Y/n: We kissed, but nothing more and I didn't talk to her or see her since then.

Beth: You guys KISSED.

Y/n: BETH!

Beth: Sorry, maybe a little too loud.

Steph: So are you guys dating?

Y/n: Honestly, I don't think we are, nothing's official.

Steph: Do you want to?

Y/n: I like her, really like, so we'll see where it leads us.

Beth: Okay, you guys are so cute together.

You head to the changing room. Leah is already in. She smiles at you when you get in, you smile back. You get ready. You smirk at Leah when you get out of the changing room and go the training pitch. You training in duet with Gio Queiroz. At the end of the training session, Jonas does a speech, and Leah stands just behind you but you don't see her. She tries to reach for your hand, and to grab it. She holds one finger, and gets closer to you, and whispers to your ears.

Leah: I missed you.

You smile cause you feel the same way.

Leah: Do you think I can ask you out, after the game, Sunday?

Y/n: I think you can. Do you want to come to mine, after training?

Leah: I would love to.

You smile, Leah smiles, gives you quick kiss on the cheek and let go of your hand, walking back to the changing room. You go back to the changing room and get changed. You're in the hallway, waiting for Leah to be ready to go.

Y/n: Ready to go?

Leah: Yeah, sure.

Y/n: My car?

Leah: Let's take your car.

Leah and you get in your car and drive to your house.

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now