Part 78

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Y/n: Jess?

Jess: Hey, what's up?

Y/n: I didn't know you were here. It's been a while.

Jess: Yeah, I arrived this morning.

Y/n: How are stuff? I heard about your injury.

Jess: I'm okay... I've been sidelined for a while, but I had a full recovery and now I'm back.

Y/n: I'm happy for you... I've missed you... to be honest.

Jess: I've missed you too...

Chloe: You, guys, are cute. A little friendship reunion.

Esme: Feel better?

Y/n: Yeah, I should be back tomorrow in training.

Alex: Will you be available for the next match?

Y/n: I hope so...

Ellie: But you'll have the all clear from the medical staff by Monday?

Y/n: Yeah, but... Sometimes, there's decision that's out of our control, and we can't do anything about it.

Chloe: Sarina trusts you...

Lauren: Yeah, probably more than any of us.

Y/n: That's not true.

Esme: It is, actually... She believes in you more than any of us.

Y/n: She believes in all of us. We are a team. We're working together.

Ellie: If you say so...

You laugh a little seeing the others being jealous of you being Sarina's favourite.

Y/n: Did you see Leah?

Lauren: Haven't seen your wife.

Alex: Me neither.

Esme: Try her room, she might be upstairs.

Y/n: Thanks, I'll try.

You leave the room and get upstairs. You head to Leah and Georgia's room. In the hallway, you cross Keira's path. You're pretty intrigued.

Y/n: Hey, do you know where's Leah?

Keira: No, I'm looking for her too.

Y/n: She's not there, but she's not downstairs too.

Keira: Is everything okay with her?

Y/n: I just need to talk to her about something...

Keira is looking at you, scared that the reason why you want to talk to her could create new arguments between the both of us. She's really confused.

Y/n: Jordan told me that... Leah never cheated on me. They didn't sleep together.

Keira: For real? So everything that you and Leah went through... it was for nothing?

Y/n: Yes...

Keira: Wow, how did you take the news?

Y/n: I learned it, yesterday morning... I was--- I was relieved...

Suddenly, someone rushes into the hallway, but she slows down when she sees you.

Alessia: Y/N! I've been looking for you for 30 minutes...

Y/n: What's wrong, Less?

Alessia: Leah is with the medical staff.

Y/n: What? Why? Is she okay?

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now