Part 77

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In the tunnel, some French players are still here chatting with each other.

Elisa: Come on, is it my fault if the English are too dramatic and weak to handle a tackle.

Lucy overhears those words, making Lucy and some of the other girls pretty angry.

Lucy: Sorry, what did you just say?

Elisa: Your player was weak, that was a good choice that she has been subbed off.

Esme: And who the hell are you?

Pauline: Easy, girls, it's all fine.

Jordan: She should shut up, then.

Alessia: It should have been a red card, you just got lucky.

Elisa: No, the ref just did his job, that's it... All I did was to give the treatment she deserved.

Wendie: Okay, enough, Elisa, shut up, now and go in the changing room... Sorry for all that happened today, I hope your player is okay.

Pauline: How is she?

Lucy: She headed to the hospital for a check-up, the medical staff suspected a cranial trauma.

Eugénie: We really hope it won't be that serious and that she will be fine.

Ella: Thanks, girls, we really appreciate and we will tell her.

Wendie: Once again, we're sorry about all that.

Alessia: It's fine... Have a nice tournament.

Pauline: Thanks you too.

On the parallel, you're at the hospital, you've been through check-ups and scans. Right now, you're waiting in a medical room to have the results by a doctor. Leah has tried to call you a thousand times but you haven't answered to them, texting you at the same amount. Suddenly, someone comes in the room.

Doctor: Y/n Beckham?

Y/n: Yes, that's me.

Doctor: Okay, so I ran through your check-ups and scans to see in which state you are after your collusion.

Y/n: Is it bad?

Doctor: You didn't passed out, you're consistent in your words, you know where you are... You don't have a cranial trauma, but a serious concussion... All you need is a lot of rest, and to watch over you to see it doesn't get worse, okay? If it does get worse , you have to come back to hospital or call 999... immediately...

Y/n: Okay, doctor, I will. Am I discharged?

Doctor: You are... Pay attention to yourself, Y/n... I don't want to see you here again, okay?

Y/n: Okay...

You gather your stuff and leave the hospital with the medical staff's member. You get into a car and get drive back to St Georges' Park. You get out of the car, still a little bit sore. You head inside the building and land on Keira and Lucy, waiting for you, sat on the steps.

Keira: Hey...

Y/n: Hey...

Keira: How do you feel?

Y/n: Tired, and weak... Where's Leah? I thought we would wait for me after calling me and texting me a thousand time.

Lucy: She's upstairs with Beth and Georgia. She may fell asleep.

Y/n: Great...

Lucy: How do you feel?

Y/n: I just guess, my brain and this world don't get along very well with each other.

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now