Part 49

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The next day, you are heading to the team meeting about the training camp in Spain. You get there, Katie, Alessia, Beth and Viv are all in the car parking.

Katie: How are you, mate?

Y/n: Guys, I'm fine, don't worry, I need to go to the medical, I'll see you guys at the meeting.

You walk off into the building, they all look at Leah. You get to the medical, they check you over and give you the all clear, Jonas walks in just as you are about to leave.

Jonas: Is everything okay? Is she okay?

Medical staff: Yes, she's fine.

Y/n: Jonas, stop worrying.

Jonas: You had a tetany fit, just making sure.

Y/n: The doctor gave me the all clear at the hospital, I rested all of yesterday, I'm okay.

Jonas: Okay, good, come on, meeting's about to start.

You both head into the meeting room, you sit next to Leah, she puts her arm around you and kisses your cheek. Jonas starts talking about the Spain training Camp.

Jonas: We leave in 2 days, be here at 7 am on Tuesday, we will head to the airport from here and we will be back the following Sunday. Make sure you are packed and ready.

The meeting ends. Leah drives you both back home. As always, you land on Austin taking care of the twins during the day, and leaving when you get back home. You pick Lucas up and start playing with him and giving him some kisses.

Y/n: 12 days.... 12 days without these two.

Leah: Babe, they will be fine... You'll be fine.

Y/n: I know... it's-- it's just I've never spent a day without them... They are so little.

Leah: They are now 4 months old. Babe, they will be fine.

Y/n: I just don't want to leave them here.

Leah: We can't take them with us, they are too young.

Y/n: I know, but I'm gonna miss them.

Leah: Me too, they will be safe with my mom.

Y/n: Yeah, I guess.

Leah: What does that mean? You trust my family?

Y/n: I trust your brother. Jacob is an incredible uncle and godfather.

Leah: But you don't get over what my mom said, am I wrong?

Y/n: She was too honest, Leah... She came to apologize to me, because you yelled at her, because of you, not because she was sorry about it.

Leah: What do you want me to do? Do you want us to drop the twins at your parents?

Y/n: No, my parents aren't here, Romeo is supposed to be at Brentford and Cruz won't be able to take care of the twins.

Leah: So my mom?

Y/n: Yep, your mom.

Leah: It's only for 12 days, my love. They will be fine.

It's the morning of you and the team going to Spain for camp. You and Leah arrive at the training pitch ready for the bus to take you to the airport, you arrive a little early so it's just Jonas and a couple of the girls there. Alessia walks over to you.

Alessia: Morning you two, how are you?

You are still half asleep so you really say anything. Leah and Alessia laugh.

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now