Part 82

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Suddenly, you see the cars doors open, letting appear 4 faces that you know very well: Jill Roord, Mapi Leon, Patri Guijarro and Ana-Maria Crnogorcevic... You can't believe it, how can they be here. You can't stop smiling, that's exactly what you needed.

Y/n: Jana?

Jana: What?

Y/n: Thank you for being the person that you are.

Jana: I'm just at one call away from you. I'll always be there... Sorry, but I'll have to go.

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, sure. I love you, g.

Jana: I love you too, b. Oh, and whatever happen, you can be sure that Jill will tell me everything that happened.

Y/n: I know, I'll call you back later.

You terminate the phone call and head outside to give the biggest hugs to the 4 girls. Still watching over you, Katie, Caitlin, Jen and Laia watch you pretty intrigued of what's going on.

Mapi: Hey, kid.

Patri: Didn't forget about us?

Y/n: Jana sent you all here?

Jill: She called me and Maps.

Ana-Maria: Lucy and Keira called Patri and I.

Jill: We will always be here for you.

In the back, Laia heads out of the building to say hello to the Barça girls.

Patri: Laia?

Laia: Hello, Spanish girls...

Y/n: Jill, this is Laia Codina, Arsenal new signing. Laia, this is Jill Roord, Man City midfielder, Jana's girlfriend and also a really good friend of mine.

Laia: Nice to meet you...

Jill: Nice to meet you too...

Once Laia hugged everyone to say hello, she smiles at you. Pronouncing those next few words, Laia can't stop looking at you. Mapi and Patri look at each other, knowing that Laia is a bit flirty with you.

Laia: The girls are talking about hanging out tonight at a pub, you're coming?

Y/n: I don't know.

Laia: Okay... If it can help you to change your mind, I would be glad to see you there.

Laia leaves to get back into the changing room under everyone gaze pretty confused of what just happened. You just keep smiling as Laia goes away.

Mapi: What was that?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Ana-Maria: Didn't know Laia could be that flirty.

Y/n: Shut up, she's not.

Mapi: Yeah, she wasn't with us.

Y/n: And she's not... She's just ---- just friendly. Girls, I'm married.

Patri: If you say so...

Jill: Come on, let's get you home...

Y/n: Let me go grab my stuff and I'm back in a second.

You head inside the building, go straight to the changing room and grab your stuff and head back outside when Katie catches you up.

Katie: Hey, are you coming tonight?

Y/n: To the pub?

Katie: Yeah...

Y/n: I don't know if I'm gonna come since the girls are here.

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now