Part 20

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You take a second to look through Leah's eyes.

Y/n: That's my part, right?

Leah: Yeah, I think so.

Y/n: Leah Cathrine Williamson, yes, a million yes.

Leah is thrilled, she gets up and put the wing on your finger. She kisses you, you kiss her back and you show to everyone as a way to say "we're gonna get married". The Arsenal girls, England team and Spanish team come around to celebrate with you two. The fans and supporters go crazy. Leah grabs you and spins you around. She gets you down and you see on the side Bruna. Leah looks around and see on the side of the pitch Jordan. You go towards Bruna.

Y/n: Hey

Bruna: Congrats for your engagement.

Y/n: Thanks, you okay about it?

Bruna: A few month ago, probably not, but I can see how Leah is looking at you, but especially how you're looking at her. You guys are meant for each other, that's just obvious.

Y/n: Thank you, Bruna.

You guys hug each other, and you stay on the side. Suddenly, someone hugs you from behind.

Brooklyn: Congrats, little sis.

Y/n: Brooklyn! What are you doing here?

Victoria: Leah called us, a few days ago to tell about the proposal.

Romeo: She had planned this for days, now.

Y/n: She did?

David: Even for months, she asked our permission at the hospital when you both had your car accident.

You look at Leah cherishing the moment with Georgia and Keira and all the girls.

Y/n: Yeah, she definitely did.

Brooklyn: I can't believe that my baby sister will get married.

Y/n: Yeah, you won't be the only one stuck in the marriage anymore.

Victoria: We are so proud of you, honey.

Y/n: Thanks mom.

David: Vic it's time. We have to go, we need to be in the USA tomorrow morning, Brooklyn is coming with us. Only Romeo and Cruz are staying in the UK.

Y/n: It's okay, you can go now. I'm in safe hands.

You watch your family leaving, then you go back to Leah.

Y/n: Hey stranger

Leah: Where were you?

Y/n: Just had a talk with Bruna and then get surprised by my family being there.

Leah: I wanted everyone to be there.

Y/n: They just left a second ago, busy schedule for my parents.

Leah: I didn't get to see them. Next time. My family also left, pretty tired.

You stare at Leah, just admiring her.

Leah: What?

Y/n: Nothing, I just love you. My fiancé.

Leah: Don't get used to that, soon it'll be "wifey".

Y/n: To me, you are already my wife.

Leah blushes and kisses you. You put your arms around her neck as you keep kissing her. Jana, Beth, Viv and everyone break that cute moment from you. They come jumping on you. Then everyone start to leave the pitch until the only two people left are you and Leah. You're both sitting in the substitute's' seats. You're sat on Leah's legs.

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now