Chapter 38

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There are no cameras installed in the stairwell, so not only do the trainees not know how Luci and Qin Lu got acquainted, but the staff of the program are also unclear.

Therefore, when the assistant director watching the live footage saw Luci sharing his custom nutrition meal with Qin Lu, he was extremely surprised. Although Luci always had a bright smile during variety show recordings, he wasn't someone easy to approach. Even though it might seem like he gets along well with others on the surface, it's difficult for unfamiliar people to breach his defenses in a short time.

This is a common problem among top celebrities; there are too many people with various motives trying to get close to them every day, and it's impossible to be on guard all the time due to limited energy. The best way to handle it is to avoid deep connections - no chatting, no sharing personal thoughts, no revealing true feelings. It's dull and closed off, but it's the safest.

Those who had repeatedly hit a wall when facing Luci before probably couldn't imagine that Luci's partial lowering of guard towards Qin Lu was partly because Qin Lu was genuinely uninterested in him.

Qin Lu didn't know much about Luci's younger sister, Qin Yihan's journey as a fan. He only had some impression from the posters placed everywhere, but he didn't pay particular attention to Luci's daily habits. Naturally, he didn't know that Luci carried a fixed thermos cup every day, taking it wherever he went, to the extent that even his fans knew about it.

So Qin Lu had no idea what was so special about the thermos cup. He naturally poured the thick and fragrant cereal porridge into the lid, propped his arm on his knee, and blew on the lid. The porridge was hot, so Qin Lu couldn't drink it in big gulps; he patiently held the cup and waited for it to cool.

Luci leaned on his head and watched Qin Lu drink the porridge. The rising steam enveloped Qin Lu's soft facial features, giving off a warm and serene atmosphere.

Luci glanced at him and asked the calm and relaxed trainee beside him, "Is it good?"

Qin Lu took a sip, and his slightly furrowed brows relaxed a bit. He nodded, "Very good."

Luci shook his head and smiled, "I think it's not good. These health porridges only come in a few flavors and aren't sweet or salty for the sake of health."

If it weren't for the need to slowly rehabilitate his stomach, which had suffered in the past few years, Luci wouldn't endure drinking these things every day.

Qin Lu thought for a moment. "It can also be made tastier. Do you prefer sweet or salty?"

Luci's eyes, clear and distinct, showed a hint of surprise. "You don't know?"

Qin Lu was puzzled by Luci's slightly bewildered expression. "Why would I know?"

Luci looked at Qin Lu's confused expression and suddenly lowered his head with a smile. "Alright, I like sweet."

He had been asked all sorts of questions in interviews, some he could answer in his sleep. So he subconsciously felt that these questions shouldn't be unknown to anyone.

Qin Lu was very quiet when drinking the porridge, not making any noise. The scene looked very pleasing.

He showed a hint of satisfaction in his eyes, as if casually saying to his teammate, "If there's a chance, you can try the porridge I make. My friends say it's okay."

Although only a few people had tasted it, it shouldn't be just polite words because Qin Lu himself thought the taste was good.

Luci was surprised. "You can make porridge too?"

Qin Lu's expression relaxed a bit, and warmth filled his stomach as the steam poured down his throat. He nodded, "Occasionally, for daily life."

Luci found his somewhat old-fashioned tone amusing, but he didn't mind that Qin Lu was just an aspiring trainee who hadn't debuted yet, nor did he mention that hiring a nutritionist every month would be considered a luxury for ordinary people. He just nodded, "Then I'll have to try it sometime. Consider today's porridge as you owe me a meal."

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