Chapter 205 - 206

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Qin Yihan originally thought that since her brother's group, infinite9, had won the previous two competitions, this time it should definitely be 4seven's turn. However, the concept of infinite9's performance today was just too unique and shocking. After seeing it live, she still felt like voting for infinite9.

Increasingly feeling unlike a hardcore fan, Qin Yihan muttered to herself, "..."

She took a deep breath and returned the voting device to its original position with a snap.

She wouldn't vote today, abstaining—!

The host seamlessly continued, "Live voting is closed, and online voting begins."

On the barrage, fans from all groups were working hard to canvass and mobilize everyone.

"Sisters, every vote counts!! Don't rely on luck, don't refrain from voting. It could be your vote that makes the difference! If everyone thinks they don't need to vote, the gap might widen! QAQ"

"Voting is super easy, this is my fourth time voting, any sisters still don't know how? Pay attention to the portal in the lower right corner, it really only takes five seconds, please vote for infinite9!!"

"BA's family, come here!! Online voting accounts for 30%, BreezeAy is already very strong, our goal is not just to stay, but to win first place!!! The brothers are strong, fans shouldn't hold them back!"

"BreezeAy, let's go—!!!"

"4seven must be first, give them my vote—!!!"

Online voting took longer, so the guest judges first came to the stage to interact with the live audience, waiting for the voting to end.

After a simple interaction with the judging guests of this competition, the host subtly glanced at the time and said, "So, now please all competing groups return to the center stage!"

All members of BreezeAy had put on their translators again and stood up, walking onto the stage along with the other groups.

"I always want to skip this part, 555555"

"After happiness comes tension and melancholy, sigh, nobody wants them to leave."

"I just want to say that as long as BreezeAy isn't first, everyone will be happy with the result!! (So I didn't vote for them, even though they're strong dbq)"

"The one ahead of me made me laugh: ) Thank you, BreezeAy doesn't owe you that vote"

"Don't fight, no matter the result, it's not something we can control. With so many viewers, it's not just one or two votes that can make a difference [trying to console]"

"The online voting has ended, all votes have been counted." The host took the cue card handed over by the staff who hurriedly stooped over, glanced at it, and said, "Now the final result is in my hands."

"Now announcing the fifth place."

"One of the advantages of this show is that it doesn't drag things out. I almost bled watching Singer before...(:з」∠)"

"Yes, hahaha, the pace of the show is really fast, no dragging [thumbs up]"

The host quickly scanned the groups on stage and smiled, "Metallica."

Hua Lin's expression couldn't be described as happy. This was their second time getting second to last place.

Even though they didn't care much about winning or losing on stage, nobody liked losing, and nobody didn't like winning.

After exchanging a few words with Hua Lin in a low voice, Duan Fei and Song Guanshan avoided the microphone, nodding faintly.

"Wuwuwu if only I were there, I've always voted for Metallica, but sigh..."

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