Chapter 179 - 180

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On the day of rehearsal, they still departed from the dormitory early in the morning. Because the castle was in a remote location, after the rehearsal, they would stay in a hotel next to the venue at night and return every other day.

But by then, one team would have to leave.

When Qin Lu opened the refrigerator, he found two extra bags of frozen dumplings. They weren't there the night before, so they must have been put there by the program team in advance.

After a moment of surprise, he couldn't help but laugh and decided to change his plans from making scrambled eggs to cooking dumplings. Holding up the bag of dumplings, he said, "Good morning," to the camera.

Behind the camera, the staff from the directing team also chuckled.

After boiling water, the members of the other groups gradually finished their preparations and went downstairs. The living room was bustling with the members of seven groups sitting around the dining table, eating steaming hot dumplings together.

In fact, the taste of frozen dumplings wasn't particularly great, but when a room full of people ate together, the food somehow seemed to become more palatable.

The rehearsal continued from early morning until late at night. As long as time allowed, they tried to rehearse as many times as possible for the best final outcome.

The next day, in front of the venue.

The atmosphere was lively, with fans from various groups competing fervently in their support. For fans, the scene of on-site support was another kind of "battlefield" surrounded by flowers!

In fact, coming to watch the idol's performance live was like a team-building and holiday activity, fresh and full of excitement. Meeting with online friends was exciting, and seeing others who also liked the same group or individual gave a sense of belonging. Taking photos with the support flower walls and idol standees was a joyful experience.

Before the event started, the area in front of the venue was already crowded with people. It was very lively, and the limited space was beautifully arranged. Along the way, there were rows of support facilities set up overnight by various fan clubs. If the attending audience was numerous, it could be described as a "paradise on earth."

Qin Yihan wore a hat and mask, covering herself tightly, and blended into the crowd with excitement in her eyes.

It wasn't that she had any idol baggage, but rather, she had learned a bitter lesson from real-life experiences—

Because she had appeared on the big screen on the night of their formation, most of the Lu fans could recognize her. In daily life, it didn't matter, but in places where fans gathered, if she were to appear directly, she would definitely be overwhelmed by fans!

Although most of the people at the scene were well-dressed and beautiful girls, there were also people like Qin Yihan who didn't want to be inadvertently photographed. So, it wasn't particularly strange.

After realizing that she hadn't attracted attention, Qin Yihan felt at ease and happily looked for 4seven's support flower wall before the event started, curiously looking at the others as well.

The scene was so interesting!! Thanks to big brother for the tickets!

With Qin Lu's VIP ticket, Qin Yihan naturally felt obliged to check in at Infinite9's support point. However, after searching for a while, she found that something seemed off.

Most of the other groups had group support, as the default rule within a group was that group activities would have group support, and individual activities would have individual support.

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