Chapter 128

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"Happy Not NG" airs every Friday night, making it a perfect time for both students and working people to relax and watch live TV.

Due to its prime time slot from 8 to 10 pm, the show has consistently high ratings.

Infinite9 fans have been anticipating it for half a month, from the intriguing previews to the official airing, which they've eagerly awaited for a week, even starting excitedly posting on Weibo half an hour early.

Every episode, the production team buys related hot search topics, so fans not only watch TV but also monitor Weibo, always ready to promote related trending topics.

It's the perfect time to expand the group's popularity, with all nine Infinite9 fanbases eagerly vying for top rankings.

Excitement isn't just limited to fans; at the same time, Qin Yihan is already waiting with her parents in front of the TV.

Even though Qin's parents aren't interested in the entertainment industry, they know about this long-standing show. Despite having already seen the concert scene of the group's formation night, Qin's mom still doesn't quite grasp the reality of her son becoming a star. After all, not long ago, Qin Lu was just an ordinary high school student. Now, finally being able to see him on TV gives her a surreal feeling.

Qin Yihan has been a star chaser for years, knowing that the first step to gaining national attention for any new group or rising star begins with appearing on "Happy Not NG".

When 4seven debuted, their first appearance on a long-standing variety show was also "Happy Not NG". The show has been strong in its later stages, with editing that's in tune with current trends and knows what the audience wants to see. The filters are bright, so there's no worry about the footage not looking good.

When Infinite9 appears, fans who tune in on time can't help but smile instinctively.

This is the first time fans have seen their beloved idols on TV. When Qin Lu appears, his simple checkered shirt gives off a first love vibe. As the camera flashes past, fans keenly capture Qin Lu's smile, enthusiastically taking pictures of their sofas and pillows.

Ruan Qingqing, who previously claimed to just casually support, couldn't successfully become a fan after a while but unknowingly finished watching all of the other party's content and still wanted to continue chasing.

Since she started voting for Qin Lu, she rarely refreshes 4seven's news every day. From spending all day on Weibo watching her "brothers" to spending all day rushing to vote, from voting twice a day to various check-in tasks in small programs, it doesn't take long.

Chasing stars is always the happiest and most exciting during the early stages. Now, Ruan Qingqing is trapped in this irresistible joy.

Veteran star chasers are like radars, pinpointing Qin Lu's every move while still finding time to participate in discussions on Weibo when others are on screen.

In addition to live TV broadcasts, VIPs on the platform app can also watch in real time, allowing those without a TV nearby to keep up with the show without missing out, and they can also discuss via bullet comments.

The fast fingers of big fans are inexplicable, accurately seizing the moments that drive everyone crazy, and making gifs with color adjustments and captions in one go, posting them in real-time for casual fans to scream together.

The show's original filter gives a natural, bright look, but most fans prefer the lip-red, teeth-white style, so after color adjustments, the idol's presence becomes even stronger, with fans lining up in the comments section saying "Ah ah ah ah ah".

Fans from each group are all looking for their idol's shots in the simple opening dance. There are relatively fewer posts in the group's super topics than in personal ones.

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