Chapter 130

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The camera focused on Fan Xi, capturing every subtle reaction of his without missing a beat.

With his chestnut-red hair scattered around his cheeks, Fan Xi's eyelids trembled slightly, showing signs of waking up. Wu Shazi looked closely at him through the gap in her wig, marveling at how much of a heartthrob he was even with his bare, sleeping face. His real features were even more handsome in person than on camera, with a more chiseled jawline.

Fan Xi vaguely felt someone patting him, as if someone was whispering in his ear. His mind hadn't fully woken up yet when he opened his eyes and saw someone standing beside his bed.

Fan Xi: "..."

Wu Shazi, full of anticipation, lowered her voice and said softly, "Good...morning?"

She was considering how Fan Xi would react and how they would proceed if he made a sound. She also wondered if she would be eligible for workers' compensation if he overreacted and kicked her. Then she saw Fan Xi, looking a bit sleepy, squinting at her for a moment before naturally smiling and saying warmly, "Morning. I thought ghosts sleep on the ceiling, but I haven't seen you there before. Were you hiding?"

Wu Shazi: "...?!"

Wait, this conversation seemed different from what she had expected.

What was he saying? Ghosts?

Wu Shazi felt a bit stiff.

Fan Xi rubbed his eyes, sat up, and looked around the room, gradually adjusting to the light. He then noticed several other people standing in the shadows.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the camera, then at Wu Shazi, scratching his head. "Oh, so you're not a ghost."

Wu Shazi: "..."

Help, why did he sound a bit disappointed?!

Wu Shazi suddenly felt a chill down her spine. Why could Fan Xi casually say such terrifying things? Clearly, she intended to scare him, but now she sadly realized, "The clown is me."

It wasn't entirely Wu Shazi's fault. Although she had done her homework and prepared materials before coming, the program "Infinite Youth" did not include the night before the first elimination announcement. The exciting parts of Fan Xi's ghost stories, which even kept Su Qinglan awake all night, were cut from the final edit.

At the time, Fan Xi's story about a ghost who loved hot pot scared Su Qinglan all night.

So even the fans didn't know that Fan Xi's hidden hobby was enjoying horror movies.

Naturally fearless, Fan Xi rarely got scared of anything from childhood to adulthood. He even searched around the dorm after moving in to see if there were any ghosts hidden away, maybe even make a friend.

Seeing the cameraman, Fan Xi basically understood what was going on. Wu Shazi didn't have time to explain, seeing that Jin You'en seemed to have been awakened. She moved slightly, quickly changed direction, and decided to try again.

But she felt that Jin You'en was calmer in personality. If Fan Xi wasn't scared, Jin You'en would probably be even more indifferent. If he just stared back without any reaction, Wu Shazi considered whether she should give up on pretending to be a ghost.

After all, Jin You'en looked very cool.

When Jin You'en opened his eyes, he saw a messy figure in front of him, appearing to be a person.

This time the cameraman stayed further back, only bringing the camera closer to Jin You'en's face to prevent an immediate giveaway.

Jin You'en, who had just woken up, lifted one eyelid slightly and silently met Wu Shazi's gaze.

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