Chapter 77

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Most of the comments as usual were praises from Lu's fans to her brother. Although Qin Yihan herself belonged to the ranks of veteran star chasers, the truckload of rainbow farts she had sent to Lucy, typing effortlessly without even blinking an eye, made her feel a bit awkward when she saw others praising Qin Lu as if he were a deity descending to earth.

However, this comment was not a rainbow fart. The username that seemed familiar had left a rather strange comment today, catching her attention.

[LuLu become my Pokémon V: Sister, have you seen the posts on the forum? Someone is leading a trend saying LuLu shouldn't participate in variety shows. It's been piled up like a skyscraper, always hanging on the homepage.]

Qin Yihan blinked slightly. A Lu fan who replied asked what was wrong, saying they hadn't seen it, and the original poster then provided a link for everyone to see.

During the talent show period, countless eyes were already fixed on the trainees, and every seemingly minor issue could potentially influence the audience's impression.

Qin Yihan clicked on the link. The post's title seemed to be aimed at rational discussion, but it was actually very directive—

[Title: Li Tao, should academic achievers participate in talent shows? Shouldn't they contribute to society?]

[1L OP: That's right, it's about the recent hot topic, the top contestant in Infinite Youth, Qin Lu.]

[2L: Just say what you want to say without beating around the bush, what's wrong with Qin Lu? Isn't he doing fine? I've watched the show, and I voted for him. What do you mean by the title? What do you want to meddle in his affairs for?]

[3L: What do you mean? I haven't watched this show. So, Qin Lu is the academic achiever you're talking about? It feels quite off for him to participate in a singing and dancing show.]

[4L: Wow, it's 2021, and there are still people considering someone else's dream as "off track"! Excuse me, where do you stand, person upstairs?]

[5L OP: Please don't interrupt, I haven't finished. Watch the first episode, Qin Lu is still in high school, and his school is a famous key high school, and he has won first place in domestic competitions. I think any normal person would think that he shouldn't waste time on singing and dancing, he should go study well and go to a good university for scientific research. What's the meaning of singing and dancing? What contribution does it make to society's development? I feel uncomfortable seeing him wasting time. You shouldn't vote for him, let him be eliminated directly or withdraw from the competition, and go back to study, which is the right thing to do.]

[6L: Are you done talking? If you're done, I want to start expressing my opinion, thank you.]

[7L OP: I'm done, let's have a rational discussion, I think Qin Lu shouldn't participate in talent shows at all, it's a waste of life.]

[8L: I can't take it anymore, my blood pressure is a bit high... My goodness, OP, don't you think you have a problem? Who are you to Qin Lu? From what you're saying, because Qin Lu studies well, he can only pursue the path of scientific research to "maximize benefits"? Otherwise, he's just naive and short-sighted? I hope you realize one thing, Qin Lu is an independent individual with his own thoughts, capable of making decisions independently. Moreover, do you know how many people there are in our country? If we lose one Qin Lu doing academic research, our country cannot progress! Forgive me for speaking frankly, let him do whatever he wants, it's his personal freedom.]

[9L: Oh, this, can't even hide your fox's tail. If you don't add "you shouldn't vote for him" at the end, I might still believe that you're genuinely regretting the loss of a talent in academia, rather than lurking under the surface and being cheap. You've come up with a new idea, huh, there's even a way to discourage people? Trying to influence fans and manipulate fan mentality under the guise of doing what's best for Qin Lu? You're dreaming.]

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