Chapter 61

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The summer sky depicted the youthful exuberance of the boys, pure and unrestrained. The costumes for this live performance were actually quite simple, but they fit the theme perfectly and exuded a strong youthful vibe.

White school shirts paired with black ties and light gray checkered trousers. On this foundation, each person had subtle differences in their style.

For example, Han Suyan wore a dark blue school blazer over his outfit, Fan Xi had a beige cotton vest, and toeisup wore a short-sleeved summer outfit. Qin Lu and Liao Junchen stuck to the most classic style of long-sleeved shirts, but Qin Lu received a set of shirt, vest, and school blazer, while Liao Junchen only had the shirt, with a silver pattern resembling a school emblem on his chest.

As for Jin You'en, because of his darker complexion among the teammates and his cool appearance when not smiling with his single eyelids, he got the basketball team's uniform with a large number "17" on the chest. Yu Zifei's outfit corresponded to Jin You'en's, and he received a sports uniform similar to the one he wore in gym class.

After they changed into their respective outfits, the stylist made some adjustments for each person.

Considering the personal traits of the trainees, the stylist instructed Liao Junchen to casually roll up the sleeves of his shirt and not button it all the way to the top, while letting his own hair hang loose and providing him with a headband.

The blue and white headband matched Han Suyan's dark blue suit, and it was similar to Qin Lu's hair color.

Originally, Liao Junchen's air-curled bangs exposed his forehead, making his already deep and three-dimensional features even less approachable, but after being balanced out by the youthful headband, this sharpness disappeared. The contradiction between his cold aloofness and the vitality brought by the sports attire created an intriguing and attractive contrast.

When Liao Junchen rolled up his sleeves as instructed, Qin Lu looked at the headband on his forehead. Under the stylist's calm and precise guidance, Liao Junchen seemed to have changed slightly after a simple adjustment.

With plenty of time left, the stylist took a careful look and nodded satisfactorily at his work.

Liao Junchen had worn a sports headband before when playing basketball, so he only made a simple adjustment. The hairstylist would probably have to redo his hair later.

The stylist turned his attention to Qin Lu, who was now wearing the three-piece school uniform and leaning against the wall quietly. With one long leg slightly bent, he hugged his arms and lowered his eyes, and the blue highlights in his black hair accentuated the advantages of his fair complexion. The long eyelashes cast a faint shadow, and his well-defined features still looked striking even without makeup.

Sighing inwardly, the stylist couldn't help but think that it was no wonder school-themed dramas continued to be popular in Japan and South Korea for decades. No matter how many years passed, school uniforms remained enduringly charming, reminiscent of the most beautiful dreams.

Qin Lu had an excellent proportion, and when he wore the school uniform-style suit, his back was straight and upright, yet his posture was relaxed when leaning against the wall. This casualness carried a sense of ease and confidence that made hearts skip a beat with just one glance.

The stylist shook his head, feeling a little absent-minded. He observed Qin Lu for a moment, then unbuttoned the jacket of his school uniform and gave him a mechanical watch.

As he expected, Qin Lu looked very suitable with a watch. The slight gleam of the dial when he raised his hand, reflecting against Qin Lu's fair skin, had an indescribable charm.

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