Chapter 148

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The fan meeting had a total of three thousand tickets, marking the first small-scale concert since Infinite9 debuted. There would also be the debut stage of four new songs, causing many fans who couldn't get tickets to spare no expense to buy scalped tickets.

Different from the signing events where there was a chance for close interaction, the fan meeting was more like a smaller-scale concert, something every fan eager for a taste of the stage atmosphere.

Although there would be a full live stream on the official platform, there was a significant difference between online and offline experiences, both in terms of atmosphere and psychological impact. Each live performance would be unique; even for the same song, the emotions and expressions displayed could vary. Fans undoubtedly looked forward to witnessing it firsthand.

Every fan club had prepared lightsticks in advance. During the group activities, each fan club would battle to match the number of attendees with the number of lightsticks. Their outfits were also perfectly coordinated with their respective fan club attributes, making it clear which member each fan supported.

The Land Fans wore sky blue, a color that was very soothing and youthful.

Fan Xi's fans donned fiery hotpot red, while Liao Junchen's fans went for a light starry purple. When their lightsticks were waved together, it created a dreamy sight.

Each member represented a different support color, and with the few options left for the group fans due to the predominance of individual fans, they opted for the less common silver-gray.

In fact, the silver-gray color suited the name Infinite9 well—implying limitless possibilities, leaning towards colorlessness yet holding a hint of color, symbolizing an inexplicable harmony.

The fans arrived a day early to prepare their on-site support. Meanwhile, the members were in the backstage rehearsal room for their final practice.

Rehearsal room.

"Let's do it again. Fan Xi, your positioning was off just now; move a bit closer to Qin Lu's side, keep the formation stable."

The members utilized every moment for rest. With time constraints, they had to rehearse several more times before feeling assured.

Fan Xi's demeanor during the training was different from usual, nodding in approval for the music to start again.

As the captain and dance enthusiast, Liao Junchen was responsible for refining the details with his teammates. Not only did he have a relative perfectionist approach to the stage, but his teammates did as well.

This was their debut stage for the new songs, and they naturally couldn't disappoint the fans watching the live stream.

"The members are currently rehearsing and will soon meet everyone." When the cameraman followed the staff into the room, they had just finished their closing moves, standing uniformly and looking over.

The fan meeting would be live-streamed throughout, and before it began, there would be a brief segment showing the members' preparation. The team had been informed beforehand, so upon seeing the camera, everyone smiled and waved at it without surprise.

On the other side, fans watching the live stream became instantly excited upon seeing scenes of their beloved idols rehearsing.

Besides enjoying the stage performances, they also cherished the behind-the-scenes moments. Fans loved watching their idols practice earnestly in training attire, and then comparing it to their actual performance on stage, feeling a certain indescribable joy.

[It's the debut stage for the new songs!]

[They're practicing with such intensity, not holding back at all, haha.]

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