Avatar: The Last Airbender (X Male OC): Water

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Jinhai is a member of the water tribe in the South Pole, wanting to take revenge for what happened to his father and mother after the Fire Nation attacked

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Jinhai is a member of the water tribe in the South Pole, wanting to take revenge for what happened to his father and mother after the Fire Nation attacked.

As the childhood friend of Katara and her brother Sokka, they always supported each other in everything they gotta do to make the most of their time, but Jinhai always hung out with Katara more, knowing how they always got along very well and Sokka being the sexist guy that he is.

However, while Jinhai and the siblings fish one day, they come across an iceberg that contains a bald headed kid named Aang, discovering in the process that he's the last Avatar and Airbender.

After getting to know Aang and saving him from the Fire Nation, who took him away to keep the village safe, the kids embark on a journey that will meet its challenges and tribulations.

Alright, let's have a bit of a moan.

Honestly, I'm really tired of all the fucking cancellations I've done to my past ATLA stories and it's something that I've always hated doing. I mean, I just took down my other ATLA story where I first ranted on on how Katara was being hated and I had to clear up the fact that I didn't the character for the story to be a crybaby like I've done the first time I did the book.

Now, we just had the premiere of wish.com ATLA where it's now all about a certain word that I'm not gonna write or say since it's a sensitive topic nowadays, but all I can tell you is that it starts with a "w" and it rhymes with the word "choke".

The reason is because they took out flaws and some traits from the characters that made the cartoon one of the most beloved childhood shows of all time. I'm telling you, a platform can take a show, study it, and then go, "Oh, booga booga, we don't likey! This got some things that ain't up to what we like", and they'll just fuck up the original plot of that particular show and call it a day!

I'm really tired of that shit, so in the future, I'll be focusing on the original cartoon, but it's ATLA with my own touch. I really want to write the story the original way and how I grew up with it.

Also, I'm not planning on making Katara the love interest, nor Toph in the future because I had a love interest all planned out with another OC by the name Nashi, that I'm gonna rename to Mei, a member of the Kyoshi Island warriors alongside Suki, that I thought was great, until my dumb ass thought it was a great idea to go the other direction and have Katara be my character's love interest.

You're probably wondering what the fuck I'm even talking about and I apologize because I'm talking about the first time I did an ATLA book, which was back in late 2020 through 2021, which got discontinued thanks to me losing interest.

Now, with the recent remake of the show turning into the live-action series, I thought it would be great to go back to my roots and do that story again, but this time, write it on my terms and no one else's. I'm really fired up about it because I've heard reviews of the show regarding the dialogue, acting, plot, social security, all that stuff.

If you think that I'm going nuts, then let me introduce you to MoistCr1TiKaL.

You might be familiar with him, a really big YouTuber with 14.5 million subscribers, but recently, he put out a video called "Moist Meter | Netflix Avatar the Last Airbender" where he talked about everything I just told you, and gave his rating of the show, so if you wanna watch and hear his review, go ahead, I'll put the video down below.

So, yeah, I wanted to cover this and let you all know that I do plan on writing this in future and that's really it.

See ya.

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