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"It looks like you don't want to help me at all Appa

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"It looks like you don't want to help me at all Appa."

Taehyung walked inside, his orbs red as if he was trying his best not to cry. He looked at his father right in the eyes and smiled. "What did I even do to you Appa? Why do you hate me this much? Do you really believe that I killed her? Have you been believing this stupid thing all these years?"

"Tae......I........" Hantae stuttered. His voice deciding to betray him again.

"So you did." The blonde huffed out in sorrow. "All these years I was busy thinking that you were mourning. I tried to understand you Appa. I tried to understand you so hard. After whatever happened I thought that I should give you time because you must be heartbroken. I wanted you to heal. So I waited. I waited for you at the asylum. I waited for you after coming back. I kept waiting. I was waiting till now."

The blonde felt his hands shake with all the overwhelming emotions. Waiting for someone was not easy. Looking at them live their life while you wait for them to return back to you is one of the most difficult things emotionally. Yet he kept giving his father this chance.

What for? Only to end up knowing that the man had no intentions of even trying.

"You lost your lover. I get that. You lost her during a phase where you both were going through the biggest nightmare of your relationship. I knew that you were hurt but have you ever thought about me.

I had lost her too. I lost my mother. I lost the person who did not let me feel lonely ever. She was the one who readily gave up on everything just for me. Don't you think I loved her too? Don't you think I needed someone to hold me too? I was just a child Appa! I needed you."

Tears of guilt escaped Hantae's eyes. The way Taehyung was glaring at him with bloodshot eyes clenched in heart with agony. His son's shaky voice and moist eyes were like bullets to his soul.

"You were suppose to be with me Appa. You were suppose to lo...love me and hold me. You had to be my father when I lost her but you never even tried. I had already lost my mother but you decided to take a..away my father from me as well.

Despite of knowing me you believed everyone so easily. Not once did you say that my son could never kill someone. You never came to defend me. You just let this woman do whatever she wanted. I was waiting everyday for you Appa. I used to stand near the window of that suffocating room, looking out for you.

Don't think that I did not see you come there. You did visit that fucked up place. You talked to the doctor but not once did you meet me. Why? What did I even do Appa? Why did you not ask me if I had really done something so hedious or not?"

Jungkook took a shaky breath. The pain in his husband's voice was breaking him in ways he could never imagine. How could a father do something so cruel to his child? How could he abandon the boy while he was going through such a big tragedy?

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