*** Memory 1 ***

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"Mhm... You're slow. I like your sister better." Amaru spoke with a basically dead expression.

"...I can't tell if you're poking fun at me or being serious... That expression is kinda scary..." Ikarus said, a drop of nervous sweat dripping down his brow.

Amaru let out an amused hum and smiled. "I'm just joking. No one is going to favor an eight year old over a– what are you? Like... fifteen?" Amaru had paused, not really knowing how old Ikarus was, he hadn't really cared the moment before.

"...I am..." Ikarus said with an awkward chuckle.

"Oh– Well... Congratulations. I'm apparently good at guessing." Amaru started to walk inside, catching up with Emily and Dara. Ikarus trailed behind, trying to keep up with Amaru.
Amaru was walking quickly, despite that he was still behind the girls, as they were skipping and running through the halls. Ikarus had to speed up a bit to keep up with Amaru.

"Oppah– Hold on a second, why do you walk so fast–" Ikarus was basically running to keep up with Amaru.
"...Opp—what?" Amaru paused, turning to Ikarus. "Oppah, a Korean term for an older male." Ikarus said, gently grabbing the back of Amaru's coat to keep up with him. "Oh, well alright then... Are you going to call me that instead of my name then...?" Amaru took notice of Ikarus holding onto his coat, though he decided it wasn't a very big deal.

"Probably. But it's not like I know your actual name. Everyone calls you your last name." Ikarus watched how gentle Amaru's mannerisms were. He hadn't actually expected it from Amaru, as Amaru had been quite aggressive since the start.

"My first name is only important to Dara, the staff, and any actual adult that wants to know my name." Amaru had this sarcasm to his voice, though he also sounded displeased and almost frustrated.

"So your sister knows your actual name?" Ikarus asked. Amaru looked at him with a slightly confused look, sort of like Ikarus was an idiot. "Oh– wait, bad question... You're siblings... Of course she knows..." Ikarus smacked his palm against his forehead to facepalm at his own question.

The smack was sort of loud, it earned a slightly concerned glance from Amaru. He reached his hand over and gently grabbed Ikarus' wrist, letting it rest down while still having a hold of it. "...Don't do that... You don't have to literally beat yourself up over a stupid question..." Amaru spoke softly, like a soft bunny that was hesitant to scold its children. 

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