*** Memory 4 ***

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Ikarus walked back up to his room. Walking in and pausing.

Ikarus walked in on Amaru with his bare chest out and his long, white hair loose messily down his back. Amaru was wearing a pair of black shorts, he often called them his favorite black shorts. When he noticed Ikarus standing there speechless he laughed.

"What's wrong with you?" Amaru asked with a teasing grin.

Ikarus shook his head. His cheeks were flushed and he could feel the heat on his face. He awkwardly walked over to Amaru.

"...Here." Ikarus mumbled as he passed Amaru the Monster. "Carter bought some for you..." Ikarus took a deep breath.

Amaru nodded. "Sweet."

Amaru seemed to perk up, remembering something as he pulled the tab on the can, opening the drink. "Happy birthday by the way."

Ikarus smiled. "Oh! Thanks."

Both of them stood there awkwardly. Amaru didn't seem to notice Ikarus being that awkward and simply drank his drink and turned around. He walked over to his desk and sat in his chair.

"Wait a minute–" Ikarus moved over to Amaru, setting down his drink and the pint of ice cream and moving behind Amaru.


"When did you get a tattoo!?" Ikarus traced the lines of Amaru's tattoo with his eyes. "It's fully healed too!"

The tattoo was a large tattoo carefully done on his back. It was the image of a menacing dragon protecting a delicate rose. Its wings were spread and covered most of Amaru's shoulder blades.

Amaru laughed, "I got it done on my eighteenth birthday. I thought you already knew I had it." Amaru shook his head.

Ikarus didn't have any words, so he simply just stood up straight, grabbed his grape Fanta and cotton candy ice cream.

He started eating the ice cream, immediately attracting Amaru's attention.

"Is that my ice cream?"


"Oh, you son of a–!"

"Mine now!"

Amaru quickly set down his monster, getting up from his chair and running after Ikarus. Ikarus ran circles around the room. When Amaru finally caught him, Ikarus held the cup up so Amaru couldn't reach it.

Amaru pressed his bare chest against Ikarus, reaching his arms up in an attempt to grab his ice cream from Ikarus.

"You're so short!" Ikarus laughed.

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