***** Memory 3 *****

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"I've been learning about demon contracts and stuff... It's confusing me, so I wanted a little bit of help." Ikarus watched as Amaru's lips thinned into a sharp line.

Amaru shook his head, "Up until recently, demons were thought to be nothing but fiction, or myths. People tied them to religious beliefs but could never actually prove that demons existed..."

Ikarus gave Amaru a confused glance. "That doesn't answer any of my questions about demon contracts..." Ikarus mumbled.

Amaru hummed, "I'm getting to that part. Just be patient."

Ikarus furrowed his brows, sighing and waiting for Amaru to continue.

"Roughly 50 years ago, a military general came into contact with a demon. The demon enchanted him with promises of strength and power in lengths he had never imagined possible. When the general ran to tell the other soldiers about what he'd discovered, they all laughed at him. They called his words blasphemous and untrue." Amaru continued, his gaze idly on Ikarus.

"So people didn't believe him, got it...But that doesn't tell me anything about why demons are so prominent now." Ikarus complained. It was true that the information Amaru had told him didn't really explain anything.

Amaru chuckled to himself, sighing in response to Ikarus' inpatient words. "Well, the group of soldiers were led to the demon by the general. They were also met with the promise of strength and power, all the demon asked for was an offering. Depending on the person, the offering differed. But some among the group didn't seek strength or power. In fact, they thought the demon would be a waste and complained."

"So?" Ikarus was quick to fill in Amaru's pause by compelling him to continue.

"So, the demon offered them the choice to make a deal with other demons. Demons that represented all kinds of things. Out of thirteen men, nine made a deal with a demon that day. When they reported this back to their superiors, word spread like wildfire. People began hunting for demons, aiming to obtain these abilities. They sought out all kinds of demons. When they were found, some were forced into captivity. Others were much too powerful and fought back. This led to The Five Essences of Evil." Amaru spoke the long tail while resting his hands on Ikarus' shoulders. His soft violet eyes gazed into Ikarus' gray eyes.

"The Five Essences of Evil?" Ikarus repeated, "I don't think I've learned about them yet..."

Amaru smiled, "Then I'll teach you."

Ikarus smiled back.

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