***** Memory 2 *****

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"Diner!" Carter yelled from downstairs.

"Oh! Would ya look at that? We should get downstairs then." Didi smiled and exited the room before either boy could respond to her.

"Oh- Uhm- Okay!" Ikarus stammered, though he looked at Amaru, noticing Amaru didn't seem mentally prepared to go back to talking to Carter, Mr. Grandville, again.

Ikarus gently grabbed Amaru's hand with his own. "Hey, Amaru, look over here." He spoke softly. Amaru turned his head and let out a quiet hum.

"What's going on?" Ikarus' expression revealed concern. Amaru shook his head.

"Noth–" Amaru was cut off.

"And don't tell me it's nothing! I know it's not nothing!" Ikarus almost yelled. He didn't like it when Amaru so openly lied to him.

"...I don't like that man..." Amaru sighed, "I feel like he has intentions he's not telling us about..."

"Amaru, I know you take a while to adjust to people." Ikarus gently squeezed Amaru's hand. "But I need you to give these people a chance. Right now, they're the only thing we've got."

Amaru's gaze went between Ikarus' eyes and his hand, which was gently squeezing his own.

Amaru sighed.

"Okay." Amaru nodded, "I'll give them a chance."

"Thank you, Amaru." Ikarus let go of Amaru's hand, "Now let's go eat! I'm starving!" Ikarus smiled, sprinting out of the room and down the stairs.

Amaru sighed again, taking another look at the room he shared with Ikarus. He then turned off the light and exited the room, shutting the door behind him and slowly making his way down the stairs.

He saw Emily sitting next to Ikarus with two bowls of freshly made beef stew, the bowls still had steam coming from them.

Amaru quickly tied his hair into a loose, low ponytail. He stepped onto the hardwood floor of the large house, entering the kitchen and peaking around for a bowl for him.

Carter was standing at the stove, he was still pouring stew into the bowls, carefully trying to make them as even as possible.

There were three bowls, all just slightly above halfway full.

Amaru stepped closer to Carter, approaching the bowls and reaching his hand towards the first one Carter filled with stew.

"Jax! There you are!" Carter smiled and turned his whole body to Amaru, "I was wondering what was taking you so long!" Carter pat Amaru's back.

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