*** Memory 3 ***

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"They were okay." Ikarus smiled at her. She nodded, "That's always good to 'ear." Didi's accent slipped out a bit. She turned her gaze to Amaru, "Jaxis, dear, I know you don't like me that much. But it wouldn't hurt yah' to tell me about your day."

He let out a frustrated sigh, "It was fine." Didi nodded, acknowledging that Amaru was trying, "Oh, did Ikarus braid your hair? You look very pretty."

Amaru felt his face get slightly red, for some reason when he was complimented for what Ikarus had done to his hair made him blush.

"Thank you..." Amaru smiled, "I think he did a really good job..."

"I think so too." Didi smiled, mainly smiling about the fact she managed to get Amaru to smile at all.

Ikarus felt a little giddy about Amaru's reaction. Seeing Amaru blush like that about having his hair braided was absolutely adorable.

"Well... I'll be off then." Didi walked back to the door, pulling it open, "Little Emily has been waiting for me all day."

Then she left, shutting the door behind her. Both Amaru and Ikarus let out a relieved sigh that she had finally left. The two exchanged awkward glances to one another.

"...So...About what we were about to do before Didi..." Ikarus trailed off, watching Amaru put his hands over his face and put his head against his desk.

"...I don't even want to talk about how much BL material we both create..." Amaru's voice was muffled by his hands that were covering his face.

He was super flustered, and it earned a small chuckle from Ikarus.

"Wait– Huh—" Ikarus paused, "BL material...? What's that?"

Ikarus turned his head to the side, innocently confused by what Amaru meant by his words.

"...Do you seriously know nothing about BL...?" Amaru sat up, his cheeks less red now, "It's an abbreviation of 'Boy's Love'. Usually it's a term for a novel or something where two main male characters are in love with each other."

"Ohhh, so is that what some of those mangas on your shelf are?" Ikarus moved over to Amaru's overly filled bookshelf.

Amaru had novels, fiction and nonfiction, manga, etc. Amaru just overall collected anything he could read that he liked.

"Mhm." Amaru nodded, "You can borrow some if you want...Make yourself more 'educated." Amaru used air quotes as he spoke.

Ikarus laughed, "Alright then."

Ikarus leaned over, grabbing a random novel off of the shelf. He flipped through the book's pages, trying to see what he was getting himself into, though he immediately took note that the book was an actual novel and not a manga.

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