Chapter 11

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"You're doing it wrong," Rafael mutters, grabbing the cup from my hands. "You're the worst barista I've ever had the displeasure of teaching — yes, you are unteachable."

"Well, I'm sorry I'm not a natural-born prodigy at... pouring a freaking liquid into a cup," I reply, crossing my arms over my chest.

He glares at me, placing the cup on the counter. "I've lost 90 percent of my morning clientele, the ones that come later in the day only come because you're not here — not even that lady has been coming. Shouldn't this be a call to step down?"

"Yeah, what if she starts coming again, and I'm not around anymore? It'll be suspicious."

"I'll tell her I fired you for your incompetence, she'll believe it without a second thought," he grumbles, wiping the counter.

"Fair," I shrug. "Make sure to hold your end of the contract, yeah? We will still have eyes on you," I remind him, earning a dry laugh from Rafael.

"Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut," he hums. "For double the price."

"Didn't take you for a jokester."

"I'm being serious," he raises his eyebrows. "You've screwed me over big time, Yael. It's only fair."

"Is that so?"

"For once, I have the upper hand, I'll take advantage of it," he smiles. "What are you going to do about it? Kill me and raise suspicion?"

"I'll get it delivered," I say simply with a nod, going to the back to take off my apron for the last time. Can't say I'll miss it.

I know I shouldn't, I know it'll be more trouble than worth, but I can't stop myself. I twist open the valve of the propane tank with a grunt before stepping back into the front. "It's almost time for that smoke break of yours, Rafael — you know, you should really stop smoking. It will kill you."

He lets a laugh out. "Thank you, Yael, for the advice, I'll keep it in mind," he answers with a sarcastic tone.

I shrug, grabbing my bag and leaving the shop, the door's bell ringing behind me as I step outside. The sun shines brightly above me, birds singing from the trees — such a beautiful day.

I put my hands inside my pockets, humming as I step away. The explosion is deafening, flames spreading rapidly through the coffee shop, leaving nothing but ashes. The shock wave nearly knocks me off my feet as it blows out the windows. People scream in terror as they run away, fearing another explosion.

I'm going to be honest, I didn't think he'd light one up as soon as I stepped out. Small dots of blood fall under my feet — a couple of pieces of glass must have grazed me.

What a piece of shit.

"Serves you right," Yousef grumbles as he patches my back.

"I just wanted to give him a nice parting gift," I sigh, resting my chin on my hands.

"By blowing him up?"

"Yeah, what's better than that?"

Yousef lets out an annoyed groan. "It's not like he deserved a better ending, but was that necessary? You killed two more people on the floors above."

"Says the person who wanted to use a guy's children as blackmail," I shrug, earning a pinch from Yousef. I flinch, glaring at him from the corner of my eye.

"I talked to Noa, the mole in the police department, she said she'll make sure they'll rule the explosion as faulty valve," he says as he finishes wrapping the gauze around my arm. "This is serious, Yael. Didn't you think of the consequences? Our target knows you worked there, now what?"

"I can use this to my advantage," I answer, getting up from the bed. "Get me a new phone, will you?"

"Am I your errand boy?"

"Literally yes," I raise my eyebrows. "Also get me some food, I'm hungry."

"You're such a brat."

"I'm injured, have some mercy."

"And so full of shit," he continues, taking off his gloves before turning to the door.

"Is that any way to treat your superior? Your partner in crime? A wounded, dying woman?"

Yousef rolls his eyes, stopping at the door. "Preference?"

"On the phone or on the food?"


"Surprise me."

I lay down in my bed with a sigh as he leaves, closing my eyes for a moment... maybe a moment too long. The sound of the front door opening and closing wakes me up, making me sit up. My back stings as I move.

"What did you bring me?" I ask Yousef as he stands in front of me in the studio, a plastic bag hanging from his hand.

"Your new phone," he says, throwing the box onto my lap. "Also a burger, because you asked so nicely."

"I hate burgers."

"Too bad," he shrugs as I look down at the box.

"You can't be serious," I mutter, examining the packaging.


"A flip-phone?"

"Surprise," he answers with a wide grin, handing me the burger.

"Thanks," I say, taking it. I waste no time putting the SIM card in and calling the gym.

"Good morning, thank you for calling Oasis Gym & Spa, my name is Leah. How may I assist you today?"

"Hey, it's Yael. Is there a chance that you could direct me to the manager? I had a small accident, I don't think I'll make it today."

"He's not here right now, but I'll be sure to let him know when he gets here," she says, her tone of voice changing slightly. "Is everything alright? What happened?"

"Nothing serious, I just need some resting," I shrug, looking at Yousef as he sits down next to me. "I hope I'm not asking too much of you, but I have a favor to ask, Leah."

"I'll do what I can for you."

"I have an important client later today, Eve Blau, can you give her my number if she asks for me?"

"Of course, I'll notify her," she answers quickly. "Get well soon, let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it," I hum before hanging up.

Yousef looks at me as he takes a bite out of my burger. "How do you even seduce these women?"

"With my natural charm," I shrug. "And my big—"

"Don't finish that sentence," he groans, getting up from the bed.



"What were you thinking? Yousef, you're such a creep."

"My job here is done, I'll take my leave."

"Did you just eat my entire burger?"

"Bye, Eretz."

I look at the door as it closes behind him, then at the empty wrapper in my hands.

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