Chapter 13

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Liora slowly makes her way through the bedsheets, her goal? The heat of my body. Duration of mission? 2 to 3 business days, taking in account her speed. I watch her quietly, my mind still reeling with unwanted thoughts.

I just killed a man because he mildly inconvenienced me...

Liora finally reaches me, stopping on top of my hand. She looks up at me, as if asking me if I'm going to do something about it. I lift her up, placing her on my chest.

"You are such a weird lizard," I mutter, petting her gently. She lets out a quiet, pleased sound before falling asleep. I sigh, staring at the ceiling. My body feels sore, I can feel every little wound. The smaller they are, the more painful. It's as if my body is punishing me for being reckless.

My phone starts ringing, making me groan. I move Liora aside gently, reaching for it. A strange number.

I pick up without a second thought. "Yes?"

There is silence on the other side of the line for a moment before Eve's voice comes through. "Yael?"

"That's me," I say quietly, sitting up.

"I got your number from the gym... I also heard of what happened this morning," she says, her tone uncertain. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alive," I answer, frowning at myself. "Sorry, that came out wrong — I'm alright, just a few cuts and bruises."

There is silence again. "So you were there."

"I was just leaving when it happened, got caught a few feet from the door," I let out a breathless laugh. "I had just been fired, actually."

"That's... did you not go to a hospital?"

"I'm fine, really — they are just superficial. Besides, I don't really like hospitals."

Eve sighs. "Can I see you?"

I freeze, looking at the phone in my hand for a moment before answering. "Do you want to meet... in my apartment?"

"Is there a problem?"

"No," I answer quickly. "I'll send you the address."

I stare at the screen after she hangs up. Shit. I get up from the bed, wincing slightly as I walk around the studio, picking up anything that might look suspicious, and hiding them in the closet.

I look around the room again, it looks decent enough. Mirror check — decent enough. I feel like a teenager trying to get their room presentable for their crush. I know that I'm supposed to present myself as a measly barista, but I can't help but feel like a damn looser, letting a multimillionaire come inside this shoebox studio that is supposed to be my house.

I groan, finally sitting down on the couch with Liora in my hands. I place her on my head, watching her as she climbs around my hair. "No hissing," I mutter.

It doesn't take long for her to text me, telling me she's downstairs. I open the door through the intercom, waiting for her by the elevator.

"Yael," she says when the doors open, looking at me, her eyes going from worried to scared in a matter of seconds, taking a step back. "Don't freak out, but there is a lizard on your hair."

"Oh... that's Liora," I say, picking her up and holding her in my hand, she wastes no time hissing at Eve. "Don't mind her, she's just shy."

"Shy?" Eve raises her eyebrows, not moving from the corner she has backed into.

"Come on, she won't bite, I promise," I say, showing it to her. "Here, hold her."

"What? No," she says quickly, shaking her head. "Lizards terrify me."

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