Chapter 2

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I groan under my breath as I put on my apron, tying it around my waist with the strength to rip it. This is utterly embarrassing, humiliating, and degrading. "Stop complaining, I'm helping you guys out and all you do is complain," the café manager says as I walk out of the back. "Yael, you've completely plummeted the café's sales, our reputation is done for... I should be the one groaning and complaining."

"Yeah, yeah, aren't you getting your filthy money?"

"Filthy money?" he snaps. "I'm doing this for my family, and I still have to pay the rent, I'm running at a loss." I roll my eyes and walk over to the counter, checking the time on my watch. 5 minutes. "Don't ignore me," he says, standing in front of me, his face red with anger. "I'll opt out of this bullshit."

"Opt out?" I raise my eyebrows. "There is no way out now Rafael, be good and get out of my way, yes?"

He scoffs, muttering something under his breath as he walks away, knowing better than to argue.

The first few days of following Eve were exciting, learning her patterns and sequentially learning her, but after the first week of nothing but her going to work and back home, I'm starting to lose interest. I need to make a bolder move soon.

She still comes every day to the café in the morning, even if she keeps complaining about the coffee I serve her, either she doesn't like change, or she enjoys saying it to my face.

"Maybe I should just kill her now, it'd be a lot faster," I mumble to myself. "She's too hot though, what a waste."

I glance at my reflection on the shiny countertop. Seducing a multimillionaire woman as a barista... I shake my head, waiting for Eve to arrive. She walks into the café at the same time every day, orders her usual, and then leaves. She never stays, and she never smiles. The woman is a mystery wrapped up in a sexy package.

I look up from the counter when the door opens, Eve walking in with her hands in the pockets of her black coat. She looks around the empty room save from the same guy who comes every day to use the café's free internet, her gaze stopping on me for a few seconds before she walks up to me.

"A soy latte with no foam," she says, the usual tone, her brown eyes scanning my face. "No foam."

"Name?" I ask, ignoring her comment.


We've done this every day for the last couple of days, of course I know what she wants, and of course I know her name — and she knows I know it. I just enjoy hearing her say it.

I write her name down on the cup, adding a smiley face at the end. Is this supposed to be my idea of a bold move? Maybe I'm not that good at flirting after all... I prepare her drink, making sure to put a lid on it to hide my bad attempt at a no-foam latte, and hand it to her.

She eyes the cup curiously as she takes it from my hand, looking up at me, her gaze piercing through me, trying to figure me out. "Scribbling a smiley face doesn't make your coffee any better."

"You seem to come back for it," I shrug.

"I used to like the coffee, now I like how there is no line, so thank you, really," she says sarcastically, her voice low enough that only I can hear, her eyes falling on the name tag pinned to my apron. "Yael."

The name rolls off her tongue like a sweet melody, it sends shivers down my spine — even though it's not my real name, and I can't help but feel a rush of excitement as her eyes land back on mine.

I smirk. "Enjoy your drink, Eve."

She nods and walks away, her hips swaying as she leaves.

"That was the best attempt so far," Rafael says, leaning against the counter, a smug grin on his face. "Ruining a business for the sole purpose of getting to talk to a beautiful lady for 5 minutes a day."

But Boss, I Can't Kill Hot Women (GirlxGirl WlW)Where stories live. Discover now