Chapter 23

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"How come her supposed bodyguard not accompany her?" Yousef asks, stretching on his seat. "Is she there alone?"

"Personnel in the location have reported she has a different driver," Beinis says simply, swiftly switching through tabs. "There is nothing suspicious about her trip, it seems. Work meeting with a potential client, spa treatment, short interaction with a female friend."

"And what is Shimon up to?" I ask, leaning on the wall, opposite to them, near the window.

"He went with her as far as the airport, then returned to his own apartment," he answers, bringing up the images of the man entering the building. "This was taken three hours ago, no movement since then."

"He usually only leaves to those locations well into the night, but maybe the fact that his boss isn't around might make him go out earlier," I hum. "Are we sure this is where he'll be at?"

"It's our best guess, going by his patterns."

"It just doesn't make sense why she'd leave without him," I raise my eyebrows. "He is obviously one of the very few people she trusts... and for good reason, that man doesn't leave her side."

"Maybe it wasn't her decision," Yousef shrugs. "Maybe he made up an excuse to stay, like his kids or wife as a way to enjoy some free time — sure he's devoted to her, but as we've seen, that devotion only lasts until his urges take control — this man has been seen attending 6 illegal fighting rings in the past week, that's almost one every night."

I shake my head. "The whys don't really matter now, I suppose."

"I just hope this amounts to something — we are seriously severing some of our underground connections," Beinis mutters, typing away on his computer. "We have already sent a hint to the most important clients and contributors to stay away, but they aren't exactly happy about this, as you can imagine."

"What did Avera say?"

"Nothing, but he greenlighted it, that's what matters... he wasn't joking when he commanded us to do whatever it takes — if Asher Blau gets in control, he could become a very valuable asset."

"Avera is delusional if he thinks Asher would ever cooperate with us... the amount of greed that man has will drive his father's empire to the ground."

Beinis shrugs. "That's not our problem, our job is to do whatever he wants — and he wants the Miss in a ditch."

I sigh, running a hand through my hair, trying to suppress my reaction to his words. "Let's just focus on what we have to do," I mumble, moving away from the window, making my way to the door. "Where is Noa?"

"Parking lot."

Noa is sitting on the hood of her car when I leave the building. She looks up when she hears me approach, her eyes focusing on me as she watches me sit beside her. "I assume everything is set?" I ask.

"It isn't exactly easy to get an entire task force of the police to follow a potential lead made by an anonymous caller, but yes," she says, checking the time on her phone. "Your luck is that our own investigation inside the police has led us to believe some important people that have been under our radar will be in attendance — we'll finally have grounds to arrest them and interview them for other supposed crimes... including a former client of yours."

"Adding one more or one less to the list of people that apparently want me dead won't make much of a difference at this point," I shrug, looking up at the cloudy sky. "This weather is really taking its toll on my mood."

"Go home, it's on our hands now, and you can't risk being seen by any of those people," she says, making me shake my head, but she continues before I could say anything else. "This is not an advice, it's an order."

"Do you order me now?"

"My mission, my rules."

I nod slowly, getting up from the hood of the car. "Fair."

"I'll keep you updated."

The apartment is silent as I come in, for the exception of Liora's frantic scratching of her tanks glass the moment she hears the door opening. I walk over to the terrarium, seeing her poke her head out, looking up at me expectantly. "You are spoiled," I whisper, running my finger along her head, making her close her eyes in contentment before letting her out.

I walk over to my bed, letting my body fall on the soft mattress. I'm not sure for how long I stay like that, just existing before I take out my phone, my fingers dialing Eve's number before I can stop them. I don't actually expect her to pick up, it's dark out already, and it's pretty late where she is, but after a few rings she does.

"Yael?" she answers, her voice low. "Is everything ok?"

I don't know what to say for a second, taking a deep breath before answering. "Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd pick up."

"How come?"

I close my eyes, pressing the phone tighter against my ear. I'm so screwed. "I don't know," I mumble, hearing her yawn softly. "You could be busy."

"Is it safe to assume you're calling because you miss me?" she asks, a hint of amusement in her tone.

"Something like that," I blurt out, turning around on the bed like a teenage girl taking to her crush.

"I was just thinking about you," she admits, her voice almost a whisper.

"You were?" I ask, trying to sound nonchalant, but failing.

She hums. "You've made it impossible for me to focus on anything else since yesterday."

I can't help but smile at that, feeling my heart race in my chest. This woman is going to be the death of me. "What are you wearing right now?" I ask jokingly.

"Yael." She tries to scold me but ends up laughing instead. "Ugh, you just sounded like a desperate man."

I chuckle, covering my eyes with my forearm. "Maybe I am."

There is a moment of silence before she speaks again. "A man?"

"Desperate," I scoff.

She laughs again, and I swear I could listen to it for hours. So screwed. "I should go to sleep, I have to leave early tomorrow," she says, her voice hesitant.

I nod, even though she can't see me. "Okay."

"Goodnight, Yael... and oh, I'm not wearing anything, by the way" she says before hanging up, not giving me enough time to react.

I stare at my phone, my mouth slightly agape as I process what just happened. Did she really just say that? I shake my head, putting the phone aside, letting myself fall back against the pillow. What a tease.

I'm still staring at the ceiling when my phone buzzes with a message next to me. I pick it up, half expecting it to be Eve taking the piss out of my frustration, but I'm surprised to see Noa's name on the screen instead.


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