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     "Sorry, who are you?" Sabrina asks, a slight snarky tone in her voice. 

     "Maryams ride, who are you?" He says lifting a brow. I need to say something before this escalates. I turn around opening my mouth but proceed to shut it. 

     "OH. MY. GOSH. MARYAM FINALLY HAS A BOYFRIEND." Tasha slurs, her volume intonating as she speaks. She is very, very drunk. And I don't want to have to do this when she isn't in the right headspace. Tasha's boyfriend, Milo, comes strutting towards us once he hears Tasha. His curls construct the sight of his eyes until he flicks them away with his hand. Not to break girl code, but I have never admired quite how beautiful he is and that move was undeniably hot.

     "Okay my love, you're coming with me." He says as his arms snake around her waist. Tasha gasps out of joy once she sees him. I look away to avoid flushing. 

     Tasha looks up and her eyes shine with adoration. "My beautiful boyfriend." She says, lustfully. I hope I get that kind of love one day. I go back to looking too interested in my shoes, as it seems I cannot take anything else happening in this room without bursting into tears.

     "My beautiful girlfriend," Milo replies, "We need to get you a drink, as in water."

     "Noooooooo, I can't miss this." Tasha whines.

     "What?" Utter confusion forming lines on his forehead. "You're gonna forget all of this anyway."

     "No I'm staying here." Tasha says, crossing her arms and turning away.

     "Just go get her some water I'll be here." Sabrina says frustratingly. Clearly because of me but she's hiding it. Not very well though, she keeps giving me dirts. Tasha pumps her fist inwards and mutters "Yesss," under her breath. Someone's excited. Meanwhile, I'm standing here, terrified of what's coming for me. 

     The room goes silent, excluding all the chatter amongst the people in the background. At least there's that. 

     "Come on people, I did not choose to stay here to stand in silence. Say something." Tasha exclaims. "You know what, I'll start. Maryam-"

     "Absolutely not." Sabrina retorts, a hand blocking Tasha from going any further. "I will not allow you to be rude straight away. Just stay quiet for now, okay?" She turns to face me, "Maryam would you kindly like to explain what you are doing here." It seems to be taking a lot of willpower for her to prevent swearing at me. She throws me a sarcastic smile.

     "I came here to uh..." And suddenly all those lines I practised in the mirror bailed. I look around me as if something in this house will remind me of everything. Then I catch eyes with Nessa and all thoughts rush through me and yet my mouth stumbles to move. I stutter and give up and sigh. I feel a warm figure come towards me. If he gets any closer I may break apart and have him fix me just to feel his touch. My back to his front, he says, " It's okay, you can do it. Now's your time. Don't waste it." And just that gives me enough motivation to say, "I wanna talk, no arguing or screaming or shouting or begging for something I will never have, just a conversation where I can find out how we can all be friends again."

     "We're all friends, you're the problem." Ivy deadpans.  Well that's one way to put it. Tasha's eyes widened, her cheeks blowing up and releasing a sputter of her delight. 

     "Well, what do I do to fix it? None of you have answered any of my texts or calls. For fucks sake at least I'm trying." I cry out. I feel Mustafas arm fall on my waist, then retreat.

     "That's amazing for you sweetie but we are ignoring you for a reason. I mean sure we can talk, but did you really choose today to meet up and make us think it's all chill." Tasha giggles.

Bound By Love, Torn By LoyaltyWhere stories live. Discover now