Ise's first Comrade

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As he steps jumped out of a jet, Ise climbed into his falling tank and shouted, Panzer vor! it slammed on to the ground and he starts it up and drives the panzer on the side of the street until a girl shouted, what is that thing!?  Ise turned it off and opens the hatch and asked her, what? you've never seen a tank before? it's a Panzer IV 

She replied with, No! I mean, I know that it's a tank, obviously! but why are you driving it on the side of the street? 

The boy grinned and said, I just wanted to see if she was okay before I took it to Nakamori Highschool.  and isn't it a bit rude to not introduce yourself before asking others questions in America? 

The girl scratched the side of her head and replied saying, yeah it is, wait! you said, from America, are you not from here? Ise. my name is Ise, and I'm transferring to America from the sixty fourth armored tank division of the Allied German base in Sothern Germany. Now for your name?

The girl froze and said, that's the one of best tank forces in Germany! Sorry, My name is Beth Adams, and I'm a first year at Nakamori Highschool. can I meet the rest of your crew!? Ise looked down and back before saying They are at back at home... 

I should get going to school, want to ride with me, miss Beth? you won't make it back on foot. Ise climbed out and held out his hand then said, I can teach you how to drive the Panzer IV if you want. She looked at him and down then back up and grabs his hand Ise helps Beth up on to the Panzer and she climbed in first, then Ise who asks her, Is this your first time being inside a tank, Beth? 

She looks at two chairs and asks, yes, which one do I sit in? Ise closed the hatch and said, the one on the left, once you're ready, I'll begin your lessons.

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