The Fearless Wulf

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The student council president looked at the list in Ise's hand said, but ise! All that's left on the chart your holding are the parts you requested we find, what light tanks are you talking about!?

Ise smiled and asks, why do you think I requested the school to find those parts? I made a few special orders from some of my old war buddies.

She shivered at the word war and thought to herself "I thought he was just talking out of his ass at first, but now I'm not so sure." 

The sound of multiple engine's entered the field and three  other officers walked towards Ise and said, Ise you've grown up since I've last seen you! oh, what's this? do you perhaps have a hare- Ise punched the officer into one of the vehicles and shouted, I'm teaching school kids tankery and battle tactics! in order for them to keep their school open, so show me some respect! Wulf! 

He stood up and cracked his jaw back into place and said, that's why they took you away from us!? for something like this? Ise sighs and said, brother, as much as I would love to settle this dispute the old way, we can't, not here not now. There are kids here, So I'll ask you one time only... Please, leave this place... 

Ise handed the clipboard to the Student council president and shouted All available units! Panzer Vor! aim your machine guns at Wulf! 

Ise asks, well Wulf, what'll it be? are you going to leave? or do you wish to die? Wulf glared at Ise and said, America has changed you Ise... He turned around and walked away. Ise loosened his grip of his P38 pistol behind him and Said: Disengage! Exit your tanks for evaluation!

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