Gunners test

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Ise stood up and headed to the door and stopped before saying, one more thing... I'll be driving my tank on the here every day so try to keep the jealousy to a minimum okay? I think I've earned it since you're the one responsible for ruining my life! Ise looked back at the principle with a very scary look and then left the room, the principle said, of course... Ise...

As Ise closed the door to the principle's office a girl with look black hair stood in front of him and stared at him. Ise asked her, you own that Panzer IV AUSF F parked in the back of the school? Ise sighs and asks her, how do you know what kind of tank I own? She got closer and he said yes its mine, why? She backed away and said, I want to shoot its gun. Ise looked at her and asks her, huh?

Beth walks up and said Oh hi commander Ise! is Amani causing you trouble? Ise turned his attention to Beth and asked her, Did you just call me commander Ise? Beth? She smiled and said, that's right! I heard that you chose to have me as your driver for your tank! I think the name fits you! Ise sighed and said, if your going to give me a nickname it may as well be Sarge.

Beth smiled and said, Okay Sarge, is Amani bothering you? Ise crossed his arms and says, only call me that during training and live combat. and no she's not. She's just pestering me to let her fire my Panzer's gun. 

Amani looks at him and says, that wasn't very nice of you to say of me, Ise. I know of a good spot. Ise shouts, That isn't the problem here! Beth sighs and said, how about we just let her shoot one round, if anything goes wrong I'll get the maintenance club to take a look at your tank and we'll put the blame on the principle and charge him sixty eight dollars a piece for each part fixed.

Ise sighed then says, fine, but only one. Amani smiled happily and followed Both Beth and Ise as the climbed into the Panzer and Amani stared at it from the outside until Ise opens the hatch and shouted, come on Amani! She rushed into the tank and Beth started it up before putting it in reverse and backing out of the parking lot and shifts it into drive and left the school.

After thirty minute of driving through an empty pathway, Amani shouts, we're here!

Ise opened the hatch and saw a massive desert area with a target far out and he says, alright Amani, if you want to join the crew, as gunner, you'll have to hit  that directly. it's on E-5 1500 meters away. Load a High Explosive shell in there. Amani loads the ammunition ordered into the turret and adjusts the gun to the coordinates and waits for the command. Ise shouted, FIRE! Amani fires and the tank shook a little as the shell headed towards target and Ise watched it explode. he pats the top of the tank and shouted, hand me the binoculars! He zooms in with them and saw that there was almost nothing left of  the target and he climbs back into the tank and says, let's go back to school. 

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