A little bit about Ise und Panzer

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Ise bent over and extended his arm towards Beth and she took his hand then was lifted on to the panzer and enters it after him. Ise turns it on and Beth asked him, We should add some extensive layers to panzer's armor before the tournament. Ise nods in approval and said, I think your right, we also need a bigger ammo rack and some "additions" have yourself and the crew meet me by the school gates tomorrow. Beth nods and the tank stops as Ise says, well, we're here, time for you get out. Beth opened the hatch and Ise said, wait, I had fun today, thanks for spending time with me. Beth climbed to the top of the panzer and asks Ise, just how old are you Ise? He looked at her and said, I'm nineteen years old, I was born and raised on the battlefield. She looked a panzer and Ise said, Panzer four's been with me since I was drafted into southern Germany, it was a gift. 

Beth nods and starts to walk towards her door and heard the panzer start moving again and she stood still, recalling the moment that she first met Ise. It was right across from her house where he just was. she smiled as a rain drop hit her head and she saluted and it started to rain as she headed into her house.

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