The Principle's Recommendation

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As students were entering the school, an engine roared throughout the area and A massive grey tank approached the schools backside and shut off. the canopy opens and a boy with white hair and blue eyes walks inside. The principle asks him, you must be the military transfer I've requested, aren't you? please follow me to my office. 

After closing the door, the principle and he poured two cups of coffee and placed them on the table before sitting across from Ise and asks, what is your name? the tank commander took a sip of coffee and said, Ise, my name Ise. Care to explain why it is you requested to have me torn away from my only friends? 

The prince smiled and said, Easy now Ise, You'll make more friends here. Actually... This school is at a serious crisis. Ise froze then puts down his drink and asks, A crisis? indulge me, just what's troubling you so badly that it requires me? 

This school will be shut down, unless... Ise placed his empty cup on the table and said, you want me to train and command tankery units, and if we succeed the school gets to stay open.

The principle stood up and bows at Ise, begging him to do it and he said, I would, but there's just one problem, I don't have my own crew. The principle stood up straight and said, I may have a solution, take part in classes, you don't have to succeed in them of course, just make some friends and find out who is more suitable for your Panzer crew. 

Ise flinched and said, I only need two more, a gunner, and a loader. Beth the first year student in class 2B can be the driver, and of course I'm the commander. The principle looks out of his window and asks, you do know you'll be searching for unused tanks with student's right Ise?

He smirked and asks, I already have a map of various tanks in my tank, you see Principle, back in Germany, we did some more than just sit on our butts all day cleaning and repairing tanks and modifying aircraft. we went on what we called, "Treasure Hunts" So finding them won't be the issue, no. its what comes next.

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