Basic Training Match

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The next Day,

Ise arrived at the meadows and parks his panzer before climbing out and approaching the middle of the field to solute his opponent. A girl wearing the schools uniform and a soviet military cap saluted him and said, good luck commander. After the salutes, the battle began. the students sent out an unmanned APC loaded with smoke and the fled further away from the commander as he fired at the infantry unit and skid passed it, through the smoke. He closed his eyes and held his breathe, listening to his surroundings. A-8 C-6 F-8 and B-2 He opened his eyes and lets out a breath as he said, I could very well end this now, But I won't. I'll give these kids time to feel what it's like to be a tank crew. Wait! Beth! Stop the Panzer! 

She hard pulls the lever back and asks, what's wrong commander- chink! Beth puts panzer in full reverse and turns to the left and moves away as Amani fired armor piercing shells at the Hetzer hidden the tall grass to the northeast. As the Valentine tanks were headed to capture the base, the commander was following from far behind, camouflaged by the grass after taking down the Hetzer. 

Panzer fired a high explosive shell in-between the two remaining decoy APC's flipping them off their current courses on their sides. 

the panzer approached the medium tanks like a vicious tiger hungry for its next meal, firing Armor piercing rounds one after another, both hitting and missing the tanks, Destroying one of them, severely damaging another while only one remained. The two tanks fired at each other at the same time, causing a massive explosion. Once the smoke cleared, panzer was heavily wounded and the final medium tanks tracks were destroyed, rendering it incapable of movement but not out.

Ise looked at panzer and said, looks like they did it. hey Amani! will you help me fix panzer? Amani climbed out of the hatch and said, sure, I'll help fix her. do you three want to help us too? okay. Hey Sarge! He froze is mumbled not that name again.. what is it? Amani said, the others want to help out, can they?  Sarge steps in front of panzer and said, sure! the more the better.

The medium tank captured the base after Sarge and his crew finished fixing panzer. They wiped their faces and drank from their flasks as they waited for the medium to arrive.  Sarge pulled out a deck of cards and asks, anyone up for some blackjack? Halfway through blackjack, the tank arrives and the crews get out in numbers as Sarge puts down his hand of cards and said, come on, its time to finish todays basic training. 

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