Student council

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After returning to the school, Beth, Ise, and Amani exits the tank and Ise held out his hand to Amani and said, you decimated that, great work. Welcome to my crew, Amani. She smiled and shook his hand before saying, I won't let you down Ise.

Over the intercoms, a voice said, Ise come to the school council office immediately! He sighs and the two girls looked at him and Ise said, no I didn't do anything wrong. its probably related to the conversation I had with the principle. He opened the door and walks into the school, heading towards the school council office as he ignores the other students murmurs and gossip.

Ise stood in front of the doors and knocked then said, it's Ise. A voice from the other side said, come in! he enters and a girl sitting at a desk with papers spread across and her hands underneath her chin said, so your the one who's going to help us keep our school alive? how do you plan to find us any tanks? Ise reached inside of his back pocket and handed her a map with circled locations and she asks what's this? 

Ise smirked and said, oh that? those are the locations of the tanks you're going to need for the upcoming tourney. I've already handled the equipment and parts for them. But as for the tanks conditions, you're going to need to find a way to get them fixed up and repaired. Of course, that's not the only "map of treasures" that I possess.

Is there anything else? The council president sighed and said, yes actually. You can't lead the tankers without one more member, right? Ise looks at her and said, I've already got it covered. She smirks and said, is that so? you haven't been to one class yet. 

Ise opens a stick of beef jerkey and says, and yet I've found one.

The president looked in her desk drawer and noticed that on of her snacks was gone and she shouted, Hey! When did you! nevermind who is this loader girl you speak of? Ise points behind the president and said, hee name is Kagamine, she's sitting on the left bench in the center courtyard playing on her phone. 

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