Chapter V

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My birthday, in the end, turned out to be a pretty good one. My friends all came to receive me at the station, including Shane. I was happy to see them, and I felt guilty for avoiding them for so many days. The only let down was that my parents had completely forgotten. They hadn't called or left a text. It made me very disappointed. Just because you're rich and powerful, doesn't mean you can forget your child's birthday.

The few days after my birthday were a drag. We didn't do much, apart from the study sessions. The boys had to prepare for the finals game, and the girls were busy improving their routine.

"I swear if we don't win the finals game, I'm going to kill myself," said Isaac, setting down his breakfast in front of me.

I looked up from the book I was reading. "You guys will win. Have faith in your team."

"I know, but the Torrington Tornadoes have never lost a game in the last five years!"

"Yes, and you guys will make sure they don't get a double hat trick."

April and James joined us. I took a muffin from his tray, causing him to wail in protest.

"Hey, where's Shane?" asked April, "He said he'd join us."

"Probably with his girlfriend," scoffed James.

I turned to him, surprised. "What girlfriend?"

James looked guilty and hung his head.

"Uh, right," said Isaac, "you don't know."

Everyone was silent and shuffled in their seats.

"Guys. What aren't you telling me?"

"When you were away," said April, taking my hand, "Shane started seeing someone."


"Are you sure you want to know?"

"Just rip off the band-aid already."

She hesitated. "Denise Richards."

I spat out my water on the table.

"Denise? Seriously? What does he even see in her? She looks like a fucking toad!"

The others looked slightly taken aback. I never swore unless I was really mad. I was about to say something more when James hit my hand.

"Shh! He's coming."

I turned around and saw Shane heading our way, looking happier than normal.

"Hey guys," he said, sitting down next to me. I shifted slightly; the close proximity was uncomfortable. He realised this too and gave me a perturbed look, which I returned with a small smile.

Isaac and April got up. "Well, we've got class," said Isaac, "we'll catch up later." They waved and left, leaving me alone with the two boys.

"Well, I've got to go too," said James standing. I gave him the death stare. I knew exactly why he was doing to this. We had a silent argument, which he won.

"Why?" asked Shane, and I was so relieved.

"Um, I've got stuff."

Shane knew better than to press on, which made me groan internally. The last thing I wanted to be was alone with Shane.

"Finish my breakfast for me," said James, before giving me a tight squeeze and leaving.

Shane and I sat in an awkward silence for a couple of minutes before I addressed the elephant in the room.

"So, you and Denise, huh?"

"Uh, yeah," said Shane, nervously. "I hope you're not mad."

Of course I'm mad! I've been going after you for a year and a half, and you choose her?

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