Chapter XII

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It all happened so quickly, that I didn't know how to react to it. It was my first kiss ever, and it was surreal. I had never, in my wildest dreams expected to share my first kiss with my first love. I tried to taken as much of him as possible. His lips were soft against mine, and his kisses were smooth and gentle. They were the kind of ones that made you want to come back for more. They also felt horribly wrong.

I pushed Shane away and put my hand on my mouth.

"What- what's wrong?" he asked, surprised.

"Everything. This, us. It all seems so unreal. It"

He looked at me quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"Like it shouldn't be happening."

"But I really like you."

"See, that's the problem, Shane. I more than just 'like' you! I'm in love with you! It's not a feeling I can explain, and that drives me nuts. You drive me nuts. And... and I know you don't have the same feelings. There's no point in trying to love me because you feel sorry for me. It's a beautiful gesture, but I am not that kind of girl. I am crazy about you, but you've broken my heart enough already. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to risk another one."

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I had just yelled at Shane for only liking me and not loving me, who looked too astonished to even produce any sound.

"I am sorry," I began slowly, "that you don't feel the same way about me as I do about you. I know you're not going to return those feelings, so don't even bother denying it. I'm sorry, but it'll never work out between us. I'm sorry, I really am."

I didn't even bother listening to what he had to say. Instead, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I turned around and walked away from Shane Randall.


The next morning, I softly opened the door to James' room. I could make out the small lump under the covers. I quietly walked to his bed and jumped on him.

"Wakeupwakeupwakeup," I said, shaking him furiously.

He got up with a start. When he saw me on top him, he quickly covered his bare chest with the blanket.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, James. Cover your boobs because you're a girl."

He scowled at me and yanked the blanket over his head.

"Let me sleep," he mumbled.

I leaned forward and put my mouth right next to his ear. "WAKE UP!" I bellowed.

James threw the covers off himself, revealing his completely naked torso.

Holy shit. Puberty had been good to him.

I ran my eyes up his body and locked them with his. He smirked at my reaction.

"Like what you see?"

I wanted to make a sassy comeback, but I was pretty sure my face was bright pink. The sides of my mouth twitched upwards. "Shut up."

"Well, why in the world did you wake me up this early?"

"Okay, first of all, it's not early. It's seven, and we have class in an hour anyway. And second, I have something really important to tell you. So get up."

"If I could, I would. But you're straddling me."

I suddenly became very aware of our position. My legs were spread open, on either side of his hips. We were dangerously close, and it sent a strange wave of pleasure down my spine. But I knew he couldn't get up with me on him. Reluctantly, I moved away from him and sat down on the bed. He sat up and leaned against the bed frame behind him.

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