Chapter XXIV

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James and I didn't spend much time together alone after the incident. We hung out in a group, but it was never just the two of us. I had so much to tell him, but I felt like he didn't want to talk to me. He couldn't even look at me anymore. It was painfully awkward.

I hadn't told anybody about our kiss yet, mainly because James and Mikaela were still together. I didn't want people to think of me as the slut who makes out with her friend's boyfriend. But somehow, Ryan managed to weasel it out of me. He cornered me in the hallway one day.

"Okay, spill."

I looked at him, clueless. "Spill what?"

"You know what."

"Uh, actually I don't. It's one of the very few things I do not know."

"There's something going on between you and James."

I held my breath. "Um, not that I know of."

"Don't play dumb with me. I can tell when someone's lying." He leaned in and whispered, "it's my superpower."

I rolled my eyes. "Your superpower's acting up."

"Fine. If you say there's nothing going on between the two of you, please answer my question. Why don't you two hang out together anymore?"

"He's busy, I'm busy. We don't have the time."

"Oh please. You have more than enough time. Finals are a month away. Also, why're you guys so awkward around each other?"

"We're not awkward around each other."

"You don't even look at him anymore."

"That's because if I look into those gorgeous blue eyes of his, I'll end up kissing him again!"

The words were out of my mouth before I even realised. I covered my mouth in shock. "You weren't supposed to hear that."

"What?!" His voice was an octave higher than normal.

"Please, please don't tell anyone."

He pulled me in for a bear hug. "Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you!"

"Happy for me or happy that you might get a chance with Mikaela?"

"A little bit of both." He beamed.

"Just don't mention it to anyone, okay? I don't want to be the cause of their break up."

"I think you'll be the reason anyway."

I sighed. He was probably right.

"I feel really horrible about it."

"Well, don't." He patted my head reassuringly. "Now, because of you, both of us can be happy."

I shook my head and chuckled. "Hopefully."

"Tell me the whole thing. From the top."

We headed off to class together as I narrated my story to him.


I was in the open air court that evening watching the boys play basketball. My biology textbook was open on my lap but I couldn't focus on any of the diagrams. My mind kept floating back to James.

Mikaela came and sat down next to me. Thankfully, she was alone.

"Hey. What's up?"

"James and I broke up."

"Oh." I tried to ignore all the beats my heart was skipping. "I'm sorry."

"Well, don't be." She didn't seem upset or mad, she seemed satisfied. "He told me what happened between the two of you."

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