Chapter XV

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Cinderella had her legs wrapped around Prince Charming's waist. Shane and Denise were making out against the wall like horny teenagers. It was gross and I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to hurl. I coughed really loudly and they turned around. Denise looked at me with her usual smirk. Shane looked guilty, and I was just disappointed in him.

I turned around without saying a word and walked towards the stairs. There was no way I was going to get into the elevator. I ran down the steps as fast as my legs could carry me. I could hear footsteps behind me and I knew exactly who they belonged to.

"Valerie, please wait!" Shane sounded desperate, so I stopped and spun around.

"Look, what you saw there was..."


"Well, yeah. We were drunk, okay?

"Shane, there's no alcohol at the party."

"Uh, right. That was a lame excuse."

"I don't need an explanation, okay?"

He looked surprised. "You don't? "

I sighed. "No, I don't. You don't owe me one."

"But I- I thought that after we'd... after what happened between us you'd want to-"

"What happened between us was a one time thing. And as much as I want it to, it's never going to happen again. I'm sorry."

Shane looked slightly hurt and I wanted to slap myself. I should really think before I speak.

"Oh-kay." He turned to walk away.

"I do want to know one thing though." He stopped but didn't turn around.

"Why do you keep going back to her?"

He spun around slowly to face me. "Because I don't love Denise anymore, but it's really hard to say no to her. And every time I try to break up with her, she always does something that makes me want her back."

I wanted to say something reassuring, but I suddenly felt very sick. I knew exactly what was happening.

Shane looked at me quizzically. "Are you okay?"

I turned around and ran straight for my bedroom. Thank the heavens it wasn't too far away. I could hear Shane behind me, but I didn't care. I barged in and ran into the bathroom. I sat down on the floor and puked straight into the commode. I had no idea why I was throwing up. Something in the candy probably didn't agree with me. I could hear Shane talking faintly to someone in the background, but I didn't pay much attention to him as I let everything out again. My eyes were watery and my nose was running, which wasn't uncommon when I was sick. But my tears mixing with the eye makeup caused my skin to burn.

When I was confident I had everything out of my system, I flushed the toilet and cleaned myself up. I washed my face and mouth, and unlocked the door. Shane and Ryan were looking at me in concern.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Shane asked, worried.

I nodded. "It was the candy. That's all."

Ryan grabbed my hand. "Holy shit. You're hot."

Despite my sick state, I managed to smirk. "I can burn you, honey."

Ryan rolled his eyes. "This isn't the time for innuendos. We need to check your temperature."

Shane looked through my medical cabinet and found a thermometer. He handed it to Ryan who stuck it into my mouth. After a minute, he took it out and checked the reading. "101. You're sick, alright."

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