Chapter XXVIII

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James was the first one to recover. A second after Denise's sudden show of affection, he pushed her away and rubbed his lips in disgust.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Denise looked a bit taken aback. She opened her mouth to say something, but the words never came out. Instead she was pushed up against the lockers with my hands on her.

One hand was under her chin, against her throat while the other was balled up into a fist, aimed for her face. I was well prepared to sock her in the eye.

"You will stay away from him, or your next period will come out of your nose.."

The sound of Denise's body smashing against the locker had aroused everyone's attention. I was sure the teachers were informed, but I was oblivious to the commotion. My eyes were bloodshot and I was fuming. I had one objective in mind and that was murdering the blonde in front of me.

Denise smirked, in spite of her restraints. "Well, isn't someone jealous? How adorable."

I raised my hand and smacked her right across the cheek, leaving a red mark.

"Miss Valentine!" Mr. Cummings pulled me off the girl. She sneered at me. "Fuck off, whore."

"Miss Richards you will mind your language!"

"She started it!"

I scoffed. "I started it? You're the one who kissed him!"

"No one asked you to get jealous!"

"Can you blame me? First Shane and now him, and I'm the whore."

"Okay, girls! That's enough. Detention for both of you."

"But sir!" James, who was silent up till now, butt in. "Valerie had nothing to do with it!"

"Mr. Callahan, stay out of this unless you want to join them."

James crossed his arms and scowled.

"Alright then. Detention for all three of you. But first report to Deputy Headmistress Carlyle's office. She needs to sort out this matter."

Mr. Cummings turned around and walked off. Denise shoved me and headed to Ms. Carlyle's room with an aura of superiority around her. I showed her the finger. James put his hands on my shoulder and gently pushed me forward.

"Come on. She's not worth it."

I walked into the office, sulking. The last time I had been in Deputy Headmistress Carlyle's office was last year when I was to represent the school in a national competition. Her office was huge, with large wooden cabinets filled with various trophies and plaques. The wallpaper was a classy grey, and there was a lavish black couch pushed against the wall. A huge desk, made of genuine mahogany was in the centre of the room. Ms. Carlyle's chair was black leather, and the back was facing us.

"Well, well, well." She slowly spun her chair around. Her lips were curled into a thin, cruel smile. "I'm going to enjoy this."

Deputy Headmistress Carlyle hated me, and that was old news. Once, I'd been rather rude to her, and ever since that day she was out to get my throat. She hated the fact that I was a favourite among the other teachers, and now that she had the opportunity to disgrace me, she made the full use of it.

"I've been informed of all your wrongdoings, Miss Valentine. I'm highly disappointed. I expected more from you."

I didn't say anything. I just hung my head in shame.

"Your parents will be informed."

Oh dear Lord. I was doomed.

She smirked. "I can see the worry. Good. You deserve it. You will spend the next hour in detention. As for the two of you," she turned to James and Denise, "this is a warning. Make sure you don't do it again."

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