Scene 7

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"Sera why is Max still watching us?" Luke asked.

We were walking to our favorite cafe and Max was hot on our heels, with his blonde. I groaned and locked hands with Luke. He just laughed seeing my intentions. This is the first time I tried to make a boy jealous.

Oh my god am I seriously falling for him?

"So looks like we're gonna have quite the nice relationship for the next two weeks." Luke commented laud enough for Max to hear.

His ears perked up and he picked up speed. We already made it to the cafe and sat in our usual spot outside on the terrace. It was in the corner where everybody could see us.

"Yeah, I can't wait for kissing scene you two will have." Aurora smirked.

A loud crash sounded behind us and Luke and I turned our heads to see the blonde girl on the verge of tears? Max was no where in sight and the girl started sobbing like a maniac. Aurora had a questioning gaze, while the boys that joined us were confused. I saw Max's bike drive past the cafe and well I kinda felt bad for doing this because he had a hurt expression on his face.

But then again we weren't in a relationship nor did he harbor feelings of like towards me.

But still, it bugs me how he can make me go all girly girl in the matter of five seconds.

Stupid hormones.

"All right mes beautés, that was wonderful. Don't forget to come early tomorrow. It will be a épatant performance!" Mrs. Bell said clapping. "Now then, let's try on those costumes!"

It's been a week and two days since the incident in the cafe and Max avoided me like the plague. My heart actually aches because of that, but thank you Miss Bell for taking my mind off of the sexy blonde for most of the days.

"Hey Sera, which costume is yours?" Aurora asked as we walked inside the dressing room.

"I don't know actually. Pier told me he put name tags on the costumes." I shrugged.

As we made it inside I saw two dresses hanging in the corner and heard Aurora squeal. 

"We have similar dresses." She said. "But, mine a dirty white." She pouted at the sight.

The dresses were beautiful I had to say. Pier outdid himself with these. Aurora's dress was a dirty white and flowed around her like a veil. Not to mention, she had white flowers in her hair that gave off a ghostly feel to her. My dress was pure white, long and looked almost like a wedding dress. But for some reason my head piece was missing.

"Hey Aurora did you see my head piece? Wait, better question do I even have a head piece?" I asked, looking around the room.

"Pier's note says you do." Aurora said, placing the flowers in her hair. "Let's go ask Miss Bell." 

I nodded and looked in the mirror. I put my hair in a bun and sighed as some strands fell out. Nobody would believe that this girl in a white costume playing Giselle in a ballet piece would know how to fight like a man.

We left the room and went towards Miss Bell's office. Her assistant was outside which was unusual, but either way I knocked on the door and walked in without waiting for a reply.

"Miss Bell, sorry to intrude but I seem to be missing my head piece..." My voice went silent as my eyes widened to the size of plates.

Mrs. Bell was looking at me confused as she held a very stunned Max in her arms. I think I just walked in on something I shouldn't have.

"I'm sorry for intruding!" I yelled out and banged the door closed.

Aurora raised her eyebrows at my blushing face and I really wanted to cry like a child. Aurora noticed the mixed emotions and followed me into the dressing room which we locked after us. We passed the boys dressing room and Luke along with Greg peeked out but went back in when Aurora glared at them.

"Tell me. Why are you crying?" She asked taking a seat.

"I am not crying." I said, sniffing.

"Why are you letting water run down your cheeks?" She asked me, rephrasing the question.

"Because I like that stupid blonde and I don't know why." I said, banging my head against the table.

A silence emerged and a soft knock came at our door. None of us answered it and we ignored the other set of  banging on the door. Somehow I calmed down and Aurora motioned that I need to go and get my picture taken with Luke. It would be displayed in the theater tomorrow so the people could put a face to the name. 

I put on my make up and adjusted the bun on my head. Still the stinking strands fell out. Aurora opened the door and left, while I tied the ballet shoots around my ankles. 

"I didn't know you were a ballerina." A voice sounded from the door and I banged my head on the table.

"Ow..." The hair fanned around me and my bun was ruined. Great, just what I need. To be late and get yelled at by Miss Bell.

"Are you okay?" Max helped me up and I blushed.

"No." I answered and looked at my feet.

He followed my gaze and chuckled. I didn't finish tying up my ballet flat. He looked straight into my eyes and placed a silver leaf crown on my head and crouched before me. He gently tied a bow around my ankle and I blushed placing my hands on my skirt so he wouldn't look up.

"Perv." I mumbled and he laughed.

I don't have time for this! I turned around when he finally stood up and took off the silver crown. I quickly made a low bun out of my brown hair and placed the crown back, so it would hold the hair in place. 

"You know..." I felt his breath on my neck and a shiver went down my spine. "I never knew you could look pretty in white."

"Whatever." I said, remembering the scene in Miss Bell's office. "I need to go." 

I stood up to leave, but he didn't budge. He blocked any attempt of me to move and I snapped.

"Will you please move?!" I screamed and looked at him straight in the eyes.

As I was just about to take a step to the right, Max caught me by the arms and leaned in to my face, placing his lips on mine. 

Oh my god, what the actual Max Moon is happening right now?


Picture on the top is Seraphina's costume!

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