Scene 9

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"Sera are you okay? We heard a crash." I heard Seth's voice on the other side of the room.

I had a hard time breathing seeing as Max was so close to me, and he was leaving kisses on my neck which made me lose my words. Curse those freakishly perfect neck kisses. If I open my mouth a moan will definitely emerge and Seth will break the door down.

"Seraphian?!" Great, he's having a panic attack on the other side.

"You should answer him." Max said.

Swallowing a big lump in my throat I gave in and opened my mouth.

"I'm fine." I breathed out. "I-I just tripped and k-knocked something down." Great. I can't talk anymore.

I felt something on the back of my thighs and suddenly my legs were lifted up and wrapped around a very muscular torso. Is it even possible to feel someones muscles on your thighs?

"Are you sure? Why won't you open the door?" 

Damn it Seth, lay off already!

"Because I'm half naked, that's why!" I suddenly yelled out and even Max stopped his assault on my neck.

"Okay then. Good night." Seth said and I could hear him open and close the door.

Max went to kiss me again, but I placed my hand on his face and stopped him. I know for a fact that Seth is eavesdropping on my door.

"Get lost Seth, it's not like I'm hiding a guy in my room." I said and heard a sigh.

"Good night Sera. Don't stay up too late." Seth said and now for sure he went to his room.

I groaned and glared at Max who was smiling at me. 

"I want to hit that perfect face of yours." I said and glared.

"Well this perfect face would be happy for some rough fore play." Max said, still keeping my legs around him.

"Perv." I said. "Can you please put me down now?"

"I don't want to." He pouted and looked damn cute.

Why are you punishing me God?

He walked over to my bed and sat down, keeping me in his lap. Does he want to die? He just watched me as I sat there, arms crossed and cheeks puffed out in anger. I look like a chipmunk when I'm angry, sue me.

"Your cute when your angry." He said with a smile.

Oh that smile can make me melt.

"Well isn't that nice? Now what are you exactly doing in my house at what 11 p.m.? I kinda have a performance tomorrow which I'm the lead in." I stated annoyed.

Why was he even here? I thought he had a date with Miss Bell or some blonde bimbo.

"Your ballet teacher is my step-mother." He said and I turned towards him utterly confused and surprised. "My dad is actually Pier Moon your costume maker and she is his wife. I kinda don't like her and in a way she tries to get closer to me, but you can see she doesn't exactly know how to handle a teenager."

Blinking. That's all I can do. I can only blink and keep my hands next to me like two logs.

"And to answer your question. No I am not playing with you." He said and looked me straight in the eyes. "I actually fell in love with you at first sight." 

My mouth was agape and my eyes were wide. Did he just say he fell in love with me at first sight?

"Did you just say you fell in love with our sister at first sight?" 

And that ladies and gentlemen is the part where I screamed.

"Ma chérie, I am so glad you made it." Pier, our costume maker said, clapping his hands together. "Oh, you came with your brothers today?"

"Yeah..." I scratched the back of my neck.

So in short, here's what happened yesterday when Sage and Seth discreetly climbed up to my window. They saw me on Max's lap and went berserk, meaning they started demolishing my room. My door got broken down when dad and uncle Caster heard the yelling and I'm grounded until I turn 21. Max got the short end of the straw and well had to jump out my window and almost die but well... He survived and I hope he doesn't come today.

"Well, that's alright. Boys you can take a seat here while ma chérie get's dressed and ready." Pier said.

Sage and Seth tried to protest, but Pier might be a tall skinny blonde man with an overly Paris fashion sense but we all know he served in the army as some type of assassin. Most people are scared of him, enter me as well.

I walked off to the dressing room and saw Aurora. She helped me get dressed and put on my make-up as did I to her. She was smiling slyly at me so just as I was about to ask her when Luke and Greg ran in. 

"Why is Max smiling from ear to ear and here?" Luke asked, also with a very sly smile.

"I don't know?" I said, well more of asked.

"Something happened." Greg said also smiling.

"Spill it out. Did you get laid?" Aurora asked.

"What?! No!" I yelled out. "Nothing happened okay? He just, kind of, broke into my room last night and got caught by my whole family. I'm grounded for life because of him and in a sticky situation."

"Sticky situation?" Everybody asked at the same time.

"My brothers are glued to my side and dad said to call that boy over for dinner. Best part, his whole biker gang will be at the house and they'll scare the only boy I like away and probably scar him for life." I said, laughing like a maniac in the process.

"I'm invited to your house for dinner with your family?" 

"Oh and he keeps popping up like some vampire or whatever everywhere." I added and Aurora nodded.

"Well dear Max, here's a piece of advice. Don't tell you love her in front of her brothers. They'll rip you to shreds." Aurora smiled.

"About that..." I started.

"I already did." Max stated simply and everyone's jaws fell to the floor.

"Your in deep my friend." Greg stated.

"Good luck surviving this night." Luke added and left seeing as we were being called.

"He's... he's... still... alive..." Aurora lost it and I caught her hand to leave the room as well.

I glanced at Max as I passed him and just as I did he leaned in and kissed me softly.

"Good luck kiss." He smiled and I blushed.

"Thanks." I mumbled leaving.

"Aww that was so cute!" Aurora recovers fast I see.

"Shut up, or I'll hit you." I said as she laughed.

Now, I was only becoming nervous for the show. I'm going to need two buckets of ice cubes if this keeps going.

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