Scene 12

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"Ivy, come near me again and I'll make sure to stab your eyes out with this pencil." I said to the brunette next to me who kept bugging me in English.

"For a ballerina you punch good." He said and I snapped my pencil broke in half between my fingers.

"Miss Morgan?" Mr. Wright called me. "Do you have anything to share with the class?"

Snickers erupted in the classroom and I knew for a certain everybody knew that I danced ballet. They think this will get to me? Please, in my old schools I was known to laugh in peoples face when they tried to use the ballerina card against me.

"I dance ballet and am applying for a school in Russia." I said with a sickly sweet smile.

Half of the class chocked and Mr. Wright raised his eyebrows. "Congratulation Miss Morgan." He said and I thanked him. The bell rang and I stood up to leave class. As I exited the classroom my eyes landed on the tall blonde boy casually leaning on the wall.

"Hey." Max waved.

"Hi." I answered back with a small smile.

"What's your next class?" He asked me.

"Free period, you?" 

"Same." He smiled and walked in front of me. "Wanna join me?"

"Is this a date Mr. Moon?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and smirk.

"Yes, you can consider it our first date."

A round of gasps erupted behind me and I turned to see all the girls of this school with shocked expressions. I guess Max Moon doesn't do dates. Max suddenly took my bag and slumped it over his shoulder, while his free hand took mine and lead me outside.

From the corner of my eye I could see Sage having a bitchy fit up in the biology cabinet, while Seth held him by the collar. If he didn't I'm sure Sage would've jumped through the window to kill Max.

God, I hate being their triplet sometime.


"The theater?" I asked, with raised eyebrows.

"Yup, come on." Max smiled pulling me inside the grand building. "You haven't seen this part of it."

He lead me inside and up a set of stairs that led to the balconies, but we didn't go towards them we went the other way, to a dead end. I was just about to say something Max opened a door that had a set of stone steps.

"Wow." I said and went up after him.

"Welcome to my little sanctuary." He said and led me onto the roof.

I was met with the sight of a out door living room? It was actually cute in it's own way, with a small coffee table a couch and a few cushioned chairs. I smiled at the warm feeling this whole place gave off and I slumped down on the couch. It was so soft.

"This is so cool." I said.

"That ain't even the best part." Max said, while placing my bag on one of the chairs.

He walked to the wall on the left and picked up a chord of some sort. He plugged it in somewhere and in an instant the whole roof lit up with those little lights you use for the Christmas tree. It made this place look simply magical.

Max took a seat next to me and I could feel his gaze on me. I was too amazed by the sight before me to even notice his hand snaking around my waist or his face so close to mine.

"Sera." He called me and I turned my face towards him.

My lips softly brushed his and he smiled, making me blush red like a tomato. He quickly brought my face closer to his and kissed me passionately, lightly pushing me down on the couch so he could hover over me. His tongue slowly licked my lower lip, making me moan at the tender feel. He used this part of my carelessness and pushed his tongue into my mouth roughly exploring every inch of it. 

"I never had a make out session this intense." He said out of breath.

"This is my first time ever having a make out session..." I whispered out, blushing when he started chuckling. "Hey, it's not my fault I have to over protective twins!"

Max chuckled even more and kissed my nose. 

"I understand. But your a very good kisser." I blushed and avoided his gaze. "But if we're speaking of triplets, how come your younger than them?"

"Oh that? It's actually easy." I smiled. "They were born at midnight on the 31st December, while I was born a few minutes after midnight making me technically be born on the 1st January."

It's a bit of a complicated to explain, but I guess he will understand it that way.

"That's actually awesome in a way." He smiled.

"I guess." I shrugged my shoulders.

He kissed me again and placed himself between my legs. He laid his head on my stomach and hugged my waist. Why was I getting tingled by this close proximity we shared?

"Are you really going to Russia?" He asked me.

"Yeah. If I pass the audition, you won't see me for at least three years...." I said and his hold became tighter.

"I want to date you." He said and I choked on my own spit. "I want you to be my girlfriend."

Oh god, dad's question is coming to bite me in the ass. Are you sure you are willing to give up that boy for your dreams; trust me dad if he keeps talking then no. That would be a definite no. 

"I..." I began but my words got lost. Why of all times do you have to make me become speechless now? "I'm sorry, but I can't."

Tears began rolling down my cheeks and for the first time I sobbed before someone who isn't my family member.

"I'm sorry I really do like you, but I can't... I want to go to that school and I am not ready to give it up." I felt his fingers glide on my cheeks. He was wiping my tears away. 

"I should be the one apologizing to you." Max smiled sadly. "Your the first girl ever that didn't throw herself at me, plus you have a mean punch in those small fists of yours." He pinched my sides making me giggle. "Let's make a deal."

"A deal?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, when you come back I'll take you out on a proper date." He said. "Do we have a deal?"

I giggled and brought my face close to his so I could plant an innocent and sweet kiss on his lips.

"Yeah, we got a deal."

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