Scene 4

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"So today I shall choose the roles. I am happy to see that everyone is present." She smiled my way.

I nodded with a small smile, while Aurora was excitingly holding my hand to hear the role call. She was gripping my hand so much that I thought it would break.

Aurora and I have been the top ballerinas in Bell's Studio. Both her and I got accepted to a university that focuses on dance. So we only have to graduate high school. And I have to try and stay in one first.

"Laura." Mrs. Bell said to a tall black head. She straightened up and waited.

"You will play Berthe, Giselle's mother." The girl slightly frowned but sat down.

"Greg, you shall play Hilarion. A man who is in love with the beau Giselle."

Greg was one of the guys in our studio. We had around ten to twenty boys in our troupe, but there were fairly more of course.

Greg smiled and turned to Aurora and me. He flashed a stunning smile to Aurora, who just glared at the boy and huffed. This girl has to many fans here.

"Mia and Fillip you'll play the role of Bathilde and the Duke of Courland."

They both smiled and looked our way. Every time there's a performance Aurora or I get picked as the leading roles. So people are excited to see who will play Giselle.

"Aurora my amoureux, you shall play the role of Myrtha, Queen of the Wilis."

Aurora smiled. That role really suited her. I mean she does make men dance for their lives in a way.

"Luke will play Albrecht. Giselle's love. So Greg please tell him to come tomorrow." Mrs. Bell said annoyed.

Greg nodded and sighed.

"And finally mon petit chéri doux Seraphina will play Giselle herself." Mrs. Bell said.

Everyone in the room applauded for the people that were chosen. We stayed in the studio while the rest called it a day. Mrs. Bell gave us strict instructions to warm up or she'll kick us out. And so our 6 hour long practice started.


"So Seraphina mind explaining why the sexy blonde is staring our way?" Aurora wiggled her eyebrows at me.

We finished practice and decided to go to a nearby pastries shop because I was just craving something sweet. While we were sitting there I explained everything that happened yesterday and we laughed it off together.

I looked up from my food and at Aurora.

"What blonde?" I asked confused.

She pointed at a table in the far back of the small shop and I saw Paul and the blonde boy the twins hate so much, sitting with two girls. And surely Aurora was right. The blonde was staring at me.

"Uh yeah. That's a guy Seth and Sage hate a lot."

"Really?" She asked wide eyed. "But he's so hot..."

I smiled at her and took another glance at them. The girls were talking about something that didn't seem to interest the blonde. Aurora looked at her phone and sighed.

"I got to go. Mom's calling. You'll be okay on your own?" She asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine. See you tomorrow."

We both went out the shop and I made my way towards my house. As I was walking I heard a motor engine behind me and turned around to see a Harley Davidson FXD Dyna Super Glide pull up next to me.

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