Scene 2

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I ran inside the familiar two story house and up to the room that was mine.

Every summer I'd spend some time with my dad and brothers, so they saved me a room. It wasn't big nor small. It was the perfect size, with a bed in one corner and desk in the other. A door that leads to the closet and a window that looks to the street.

Same pale purple walls and cherry wood floor. I put my suitcases down and backpack on the chair at my desk. I quickly unpacked my clothes and glanced at the window.

It was already dark out and a black and red Ford Mustang was pulling up across the street. I saw a few guys go out and in the house. I watched the car a few minutes when my phone rang. I fished it out of my bag and answered it leaning on my desk.


"Seraphina, where are you? You didn't make it to practice, did something happen?" My best friend Aurora's voice boomed with worry.

"Hey Aurora, it kinda happened fast, but I moved out to my dad's..." I said.

"What?! That She-Devil kicked you out?!"

"Yeah, but I'm fine. At least I don't have to listen to her anymore." I laughed bitterly.

As much as I hated her she was still my mother and it hurt to get kicked out.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you in school tomorrow." She said sighing.

"Yeah Aurora, about that..."

"You got expelled?" She asked annoyed.


"Ugh come on! Then when will I see you?"

"For the weekend? I'll get one of my bros to come and pick you up." I said.

"Alright. I gotta go now. I'll tell Mrs. Bell that your not feeling well so you won't make it today for round two."

"Thank you."

She ended the call and I sighed. I heard a banging noise from down stairs and yelling. I ran down to be stopped by Seth halfway.

"What the fuck Seth?" I asked.

He was just standing there glaring at the front door where I could see Sage yelling back and forth with someone. He then threw a punch at the unseen person and closed the door with a bang. He saw me and Seth on the stairs, me staring ant him in awe and Seth still glaring at the door.

"What was that about?!" I asked.

"Nothing important." Sage smiled going back to his bubbly old self.

I didn't push the question further because I knew when they were uneasy or didn't want to tell me something. I just sighed and looked at Seth who was now calmer.

"Wanna watch a movie? We'll order pizza and get some beer out the fridge." Sage said.



"Did you seriously just go there and broke the Morgan twins car window?" A tall blonde boy yelled at the slightly shorter black haired boy.

The black haired boy twitched and lowered his head.

"Let the kid have some fun Max." A guy with chestnut brown hair said laughing.

"Shut up Ivy!" He yelled at him and he instantly shut up.

"Paul, can we crash here for the night?" The blonde asked.

"Sure I don't mind, but if the Morgan twins decide to come after us your going down first." Another brown haired boy said.

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